
Saturday, December 27, 2008


One of my cousins got it and it was still alive when he gave it to me. A couple of hours later it died or i think it died LOL cause it wasn't moving anymore... and now►it stinks!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I wish you all a great time, many blessings and lots of love. May you stay close to God and enjoy His presence in your life.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

23°13′N 106°25′W / 23.217, -106.417

Today is the second day in Mazatlan and I'm having quiet a good time. We went to church and my dad was invited to give the Sabbath School lesson. Since the mission stories this quartet come from Asia and there was no story today, my dad asked me to say something... I was like, what am I going to say?
So there I was giving a mission story... What did I say? Luckily enough, I had read Toshi's story a couple of weeks ago and I just complemented it with what I know he's doing now... so that was my mission story hehe. I kinda feel good cause I had a chance to do something for Sabbath School today.
I wish I had brought my Viola though, but my mom said there was no space in the car and I couldn't take it with me on the plane either :( I always say "I'll bring my viola next time" LOL

My dad giving the Sabbath School lesson.

Left to right: My mom, my aunt, my grandma and another aunt.

With one of my aunts after church.

*Haven't gone to the beach yet :(

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Finally on vacaction

In 7 hours I'll be heading to the beach! oh yeah!!!!

Won't be suffering from the cold at least for 3 weeks (wish could be more).

Thursday, December 11, 2008

FINAL EXAMS are on the way!!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A boring person?

Today I was palying GeoChallenge on facebook and chatting with  Fifi while in class (ups! hehe), and one of my classmates told me, "You never have fun right?" OMG!! Does that mean I am a boring person or what?!?! So I asked her why she thinks that, and she said that she thinks I am always busy 'cause I wake up really early to do homework and then I go to the library and I work all that... I was like, COME ON!!! I DO have fun!! I mean... I go to library to hang out with friends as well hehe ;) it's a good place to see people hehe ;) and the cute guy MUAHAHA

anyway.... that was a funny question.... but I still think I do have fun.

Monday, December 01, 2008

A bit of everything

Today I opened Google Reader and found that I had 59 unread posts. OMG!!! I hadn't had time to read blogs.... but I guess am just taking a bit of that time to update mine and read some blogs.

Last week there was an IT Symposium, or something l ike that LOL, organized by the senior students (including my brother) from the Engineering department. You may wonder why am I writing about this if I'm not part of that department anymore... Well, among the special guests/speakers, they invited Michael A. Comberiate (aka NASA Mike), who is a scientist that works at NASA.

with Mike, Vico and Cecy

And here are some pics taken during the past 2 weeks.

Practicing with the Brass Ensemble and the Chamber Choir (church)

Playing with the String Quintet (auditorium)

L-R: Erika, Rosy, Sendy, Mrs. Kelda, Yaniris and Rosalba (English Education major, junior year)

We like drinking "coffee" when it gets really cold ;)

In Room 110 you find the vegie coffee lovers

Just being silly... and that's our new uniform ;) so much better than the ugly green one.

Book Game

Following Shimona, Lerie, Sondang, Deanna... and dunno who else, I'm gonna do this BOOK GAME.

*Initiated by Mr Brown.


  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
  • Turn to page 57.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note to your wall, and post your sentence in a comment here as well. Include the title of book and author.
My book:

“Most studies have focused exclusively on infant's attachments with their mothers, but Main and Weston (1981) included an extra session of this test to assess infant's attachments to their fathers.” - Social Development by David G. Perry and Kay Bussey.

*It's about social development because I'm writing my final paper for my Developmental Psychology class :S

Friday, November 28, 2008

Public apologize

I need to say it here, because the offense started here as well. Last week I wrote a post "attacking" a friend, and I'm really sorry about that.

*But please, do remember the last thing I told you... not because it's me or whatever... but for your own good ok ;)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Quoting a friend

I got an e-mail from a friend and he wrote this to me:

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do so that you can do what you want to do. Occasionally what you want to do is what you have to do and that's really great.

Thanks a lot for your encouragement!!

* I just wanted to share this with you all 'cause when I first read it, I thought it was funny; but when I read it again and thought of the real meaning of it, it really helped me a lot ;-)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Loving the cold weather!!!!! I love it because:

  • I love winter clothes
  • I can sleep comfortably
  • I can straighten my hair easily

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I can play if that's what you want

I don't know why I started to play the same game he wanted to, but I know that I won't do it anymore. Or maybe I will, because I know how to do it. But there is one thing for sure: I am human and I have feelings, so I'm not going to let him just fool around with me as if it didn't matter to me at all, and as if I didn't have feelings.
Sometimes I wish it wasn't a word game, but since I know it is, I won't let it affect me at all. If he wants it to be something more than just a game, he would have to show it and stop being affraid of what could come next, because I'm sure something good could come out of this. But we could only know it IF we weren't just playing around.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

new shoes ;-)

Yesterday was kinda like a day off for me... well, more like and afternoon off. I went to Monterrey in the afternoon (similar distance MC to BKK) with my mom and my aunt. It was great shopping without the guys lol... no one to bother us or being impatient while shopping hehehe.
  • We bought some clothes... well, my mom did (for her PhD theses presentation)
  • I got a pair of shoes for school ;)
  • We went to Starbucks ► First time for my mom and my aunt and they loved it!! hehe

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I have that strange feeling of missing somebody whom I haven't seen in a very long time :(

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

International program

October 26th - A really busy day!!! ► International Program

I call it International Program, though it's actually Dia de la Raza (Columbus Day), because we had it 2 weeks after the real day which is October 12th. Here in Montemorelos University we have a variety of international students and because of this, the program is more oriented to be an international thing instead of commemorating the day of Cristopher Columbu's arrival in the Americas.

But why did I say it was a busy day? Well, the Student Council (I'm part of it) this year was in charge of getting the flags ready and all that it involves:
  • People
  • Flags... this was a hassle because some of them weren't ready 'till the last minute, and actually two of them were incorrect!!! what a problem!!!
  • Sashes... we thought we had them all, but when we double-checked there were like 8 or 9 missing, so had to do them last minute!
  • National customes... well, this wasn't a problem
*If you click on any of the pics, you will see the rest of them on my flickr. Enjoy!! ;-)


The last song, with everybody participating on stage.

with some cute kids
With some cute kids that at the same time are crazy!!! They were my students in children sabbath school during the summer, so every time i see them they say hi to me ;-)

With a friend from Antigua and Barbuda.

India! well, Sohorin is from India and he is from the States I think, but lived in India for a while... or something like that LOL

Japan! They are from Japan but have lived here in Mexico for like 25 years or more

Federación Estudiantil UM (2008-2009)
Student Council
Can you see my shoes?! I don't know what I was thinking LOL... cause after all the running up and down, I was really but REALLY tired :( but hey!! they look nice right!?! heheh

Friday, October 24, 2008

This afternoon I was going to town with some friends and one of them was reading the mission story for tomorrow, and being the curious girl I am, I asked her if I could see the magazine. To my surprised I saw Toshi's pic in one of the stories and I went like crazy!! LOL I was like... I KNOW HIM, I KNOW HIM!! HE'S MY FRIEND!! hehehehe it was funny... cause it wasn't a big deal for any of my friends hehe but I was just having those funny times I guess we all have.

Toshi, if you happen to read this, I just wanna tell you that I'm glad you decided to follow Jesus ;) and I'm also glad that you are my friend ;) lots of love to you and my dear friends I have from those good times in Thailand.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I don't like Wednesdays at all!!!!

Wednesday is the day when I wake up like extremely early, comparing to the rest of the week, so I think that's the main reason why I don't like it. Usually I get up at 3 am or sometimes 4 (when I don't have a lot of homework). I don't even know how this whole waking-up-really-early thing started :( but anyway... that's how it is now.
The word Wednesday is equal to teaching practice (at least this semester), and that takes a lot of my time. Appart from my normal teaching job and my uni classes, I have to do teaching practice in a public secondary school in town. The first days I didn't like going there at all, but now that I've been going once a week for like 9 weeks, I think I'm kinda enjoying it, but I still preffer my job at the Language Institute.
Another reason why it is not my fav day of the week is because I start classes at 7:15 am (the other days I start at 8).

This morning I was thinking that I should do something so that I don't have to wake up that early to prepare my class and do some homework, but what to do?! Once I tried to do the class planning like 2 days in advance and guess what..... no ideas at all came to my mind. I've descovered that my mind works better when I'm stressed out or when I know I have short time to do things. I guess that's normal for me, so unless something really big happens to make me change, I think I will have to wake up early and hate Wednesdays for the rest of the semester LOL.
I got some more pictures of our MG activity last sunday...

Drilling and Marching

*Pictures from PULSO

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Week of Prayer

Last week we had our Week of Prayer with Pastor Doug Batchelor, speaker of the TV program Amazing Facts. We had great messages, great stories and great music every morning and evening! We always start our week of prayer on Friday, so it has actually two weekends. The second weekend was really cool. I got to play with a string "quartet" on Friday for the Communion service, and then on Sabbath with the Orchestra. Sabbath morning was more than AWESOME!!! The sermon was great, and the music was great! The orchestra with the Chamber Choir... great combination!!! And then, as part of the traditions here at the university, the second Sabbath all the students and faculty have lunch together. So it was a cool thing, though there are lots of people and it takes longer to get your food and dessert and all that lol.

Communion Service - Friday evening

Playing for Communion Service - Friday evening

Lunch Time

*Pictures from PULSO

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Today's activity with the MG club was so much fun, but a lot tiring. We are supposed to finish 21 honors by the end of the school year, so every saturday afternoon and sunday morning that we have our meeting we have a special guess to teach us an honor. Today's honor was Drilling and Marching, but before the instructor came we had a special activity that was lots of fun. It was kinda like a race. I laughed through the whole thing, and I'm so glad that I just watched the activity LOL. After that, the instructor came and we started marching. He's retired from the Marine in Mexico, so you can imagine how the whole class went. It was only an hour but when we finished, we were all really tired. He's realy strict so we marched around the place, and we even did push-ups because he saw some mistakes. I liked it but it was extremely tiring!! I hope that next time we do it, it's not to hot or not hot at all... that would help a lot.

*Click on the pic to see the normal size.

exercise time
If they come late, they have to exercise LOL... better wake up early!


This was taken just before they fell... it was kinda funny!!

And after this kinda cool part, came the marching part, which wasn't that cool lol.... Don't have pics of that because I was busy and the instructor was really strict :(

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I finally finished reading MY SISTER'S KEEPER by Jodi Picoult. It took me longer than I thought (wanted to finish it in a month and took me 15 more days) but maybe it was because of all the school work.
I'm just fascinated with that book!! When I finished reading it (this morning at 11:00 am to be exact lol) I was really excited because of how everything ended up so clear in the final 4 or 5 chapters... and it doesn't really have that typical ending that you can guess even before getting to the end of the book.
Vivian, you gotta start reading that book like right now!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

MG Club

Sunday morning activity with the Master Guide club -IXTUS-

Last year I was part of the MG club as a counselor, which was cool, but this year I'm not a counselor anymore.... now I'm in charged of all that has to do with camps. I like it better this way because when we have regular activities I'm not totally involved so I can have fun and help as well LOL.
ok... enjoy the pics (not lots of pics... hope I can get the ones I took)

That camera isn't mine :( but I had some fun with it last sunday...
It was cool to be back to pic-taking time.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Blog tag!

First I read Lerie's blog and saw this blog tag thingy, and then read Shimona's blog and it was the same entry (Shiz tagged by Lerie)... and then here I am (tagged by Shiz), doing the same thing lol

Tell everybody 5 facts about yourself. Usually something unique or that you think few people know about you.

At the end of your facts. Tag 5 people (list their names down) and those people who are tagged will write 5 facts about themselves and tag 5 other people and so on and so forth!

Sendy's 5 facts

1. I started playing violin since I was 4 years old

2. I had a mole/birth mark on my foot (don't remember if left or right) that was removed in high school... and that's the only "surgery" I've gone through lol

3. I wish I could have a perfect eyesight, but at the same time I enjoy wearing my glasses lol

4. I've lived in Montemorelos University area all my life minus 4 years (3 living in another city while my dad was doing his masters and one in Thailand) and yeah... it was great living outside this place lol

5. I love my name and the way it sounds hehehe

I Tag.....
1. Espy
2. Sara
3. Dell
4. Fifi
5. Doris

Monday, September 29, 2008

Spiritual Retreat

On Saturday I went with the engineering departmet to their spiritual retreat. I didn't go with the education department 'cause it is usually boring lol. We had a great time, though we took longer than expected to get to the place. We got kinda lost on our way there -more like took the wrong way- but in the end it was worth it 'cause the place was really nice. Here are some pics and you can always go to my flickr to see the rest. Leave your comments please!

The cabin
That's the cabin where they stayed. I couldn't stay 'cause I went back at around 11pm.

with Cecy and Melissa
With my brother's gf (in blue) and Melissa (a friend from elementary school)

mom and I
My mom and I
Without mosquito repellent I don't know how my arms would have been by now... all itchy I guess

Most of the teachers at the engineering department have lil kids... and it's always lots fun to play with them when we go out. This lil girl is Karla and she's really shy... but cute!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


If you wanna give me a gift... this would be a cool one►the Gorillapod

*Thanks to Fifi for sharing this with me :)

got a camera!!!

Guess what... finally got a camera again! It's a Panasonic-Lumix (the grey one)... not like the cool one I had before :( but at least I have one hehe

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Every Sabbath we have English Sabbath School here at the uni and it's a blessing. It's not only that we get together for the lesson study, but for the whole program. After the divine service, we go to a different building to have our own sabbath school.
I like it a lot because I can go there and not just sit and do nothing like if I was at the university church. I feel like there's real worship. Song service is awesome!!! and the lesson study it's great as well. If you happen to visit us here in Mexico, think of staying a sabbath as well... you will enjoy it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

What a book!

Last month I saw a post in Julie's blog that was about the book
It looked interesting so I read the plot summary. Immediately I said to myself "I wanna read this book!!!"
Then a couple of weeks later I found myself in a bookstore with the book in front of me! I saw the price and it wasnt't that expensive... I had to buy it! No second thought!!!
I haven't finished it yet, but I keep on reading and reading... sometimes I just can't stop reading!! I've been tempted to read the last chapter of the book, but I'm not gonna ruin it all hehe

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

books, classes, rushing, etc.

Today I started school again (Junior year!) and with that, the waking-up-early part > General assembly at 7:15 am!!! But oh well, that's life here I guess hehe *all about waking up early.

Things happening this semester (appart from the normal things):
- Taking a class with my mom as the teacher (psychology) *I've taken classes with my dad but first time with mom hehe
- Playing in the orchestra again!!! *After 3 semesters of not playing at all!
- Sad 'cause I couldn't make it to Thailand this year :(

But you know what:

Thursday, August 07, 2008


It was just like the good old days!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

A summer of CONTRASTS

This summer started just great, but then in July it became HECTIC!
June, oh it was great!! Cancun the first week!! so it helped me to go through the whole month. And I was teaching only 4 hours a day so it wasn't that bad. But then, it came July = teaching English 8 hours a day and taking one summer class. At the end of every day, I just needed to sleep and do nothing else. But I finished my summer course (with an A+!!!) and tomorrow I will finish my summer job! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

here are some pics of my not-so-busy times, weekends basically:

saturday afternoon with my cousin

Basketball game
Basketball game in Monterrey. It was great!

Arena Monterrey
Before the game, with some cousins and my aunt and uncle.

with my English students - surprised bday party for me ;)

Friday, July 04, 2008


I finally got the pics from Cancun!! here are some of them, and you can go here(flickr) to see the rest.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It feels GREAT not to have exams or classes anymore!! finally I'm on BREAK again.
Summer is here and so it is the terrible heat that I don't like :( not at all!!!

not feeling like posting anything else in here
next week will be in Cancun, that's all I wanna say for now lol

my brain is just not working properly. Need to get some sleep now!

Thursday, May 08, 2008