
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Today's activity with the MG club was so much fun, but a lot tiring. We are supposed to finish 21 honors by the end of the school year, so every saturday afternoon and sunday morning that we have our meeting we have a special guess to teach us an honor. Today's honor was Drilling and Marching, but before the instructor came we had a special activity that was lots of fun. It was kinda like a race. I laughed through the whole thing, and I'm so glad that I just watched the activity LOL. After that, the instructor came and we started marching. He's retired from the Marine in Mexico, so you can imagine how the whole class went. It was only an hour but when we finished, we were all really tired. He's realy strict so we marched around the place, and we even did push-ups because he saw some mistakes. I liked it but it was extremely tiring!! I hope that next time we do it, it's not to hot or not hot at all... that would help a lot.

*Click on the pic to see the normal size.

exercise time
If they come late, they have to exercise LOL... better wake up early!


This was taken just before they fell... it was kinda funny!!

And after this kinda cool part, came the marching part, which wasn't that cool lol.... Don't have pics of that because I was busy and the instructor was really strict :(

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