
Friday, July 18, 2008

A summer of CONTRASTS

This summer started just great, but then in July it became HECTIC!
June, oh it was great!! Cancun the first week!! so it helped me to go through the whole month. And I was teaching only 4 hours a day so it wasn't that bad. But then, it came July = teaching English 8 hours a day and taking one summer class. At the end of every day, I just needed to sleep and do nothing else. But I finished my summer course (with an A+!!!) and tomorrow I will finish my summer job! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

here are some pics of my not-so-busy times, weekends basically:

saturday afternoon with my cousin

Basketball game
Basketball game in Monterrey. It was great!

Arena Monterrey
Before the game, with some cousins and my aunt and uncle.

with my English students - surprised bday party for me ;)

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