
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

International program

October 26th - A really busy day!!! ► International Program

I call it International Program, though it's actually Dia de la Raza (Columbus Day), because we had it 2 weeks after the real day which is October 12th. Here in Montemorelos University we have a variety of international students and because of this, the program is more oriented to be an international thing instead of commemorating the day of Cristopher Columbu's arrival in the Americas.

But why did I say it was a busy day? Well, the Student Council (I'm part of it) this year was in charge of getting the flags ready and all that it involves:
  • People
  • Flags... this was a hassle because some of them weren't ready 'till the last minute, and actually two of them were incorrect!!! what a problem!!!
  • Sashes... we thought we had them all, but when we double-checked there were like 8 or 9 missing, so had to do them last minute!
  • National customes... well, this wasn't a problem
*If you click on any of the pics, you will see the rest of them on my flickr. Enjoy!! ;-)


The last song, with everybody participating on stage.

with some cute kids
With some cute kids that at the same time are crazy!!! They were my students in children sabbath school during the summer, so every time i see them they say hi to me ;-)

With a friend from Antigua and Barbuda.

India! well, Sohorin is from India and he is from the States I think, but lived in India for a while... or something like that LOL

Japan! They are from Japan but have lived here in Mexico for like 25 years or more

Federación Estudiantil UM (2008-2009)
Student Council
Can you see my shoes?! I don't know what I was thinking LOL... cause after all the running up and down, I was really but REALLY tired :( but hey!! they look nice right!?! heheh


Anonymous said...

Hi sendy! Hey where are the Msians on campus? hahah they seem nonexistent in your photos. I like that black dress you have on, goes well with the shoes (or the other way around!)

Happy sabbath!

Sendy Monarrez said...

hey fifi!! I know!! no Masians lah :( and thanks 'bout the dress :)

happy week