
Saturday, January 31, 2009

My roller coaster ride

I've been in this roller coaster for the past months... (caused by a special person to me).

First I was really happy because we were going out. I couldn't stop smiling and thinking of him. Then I was kind of sad because vacation came and I knew I wasn't going to see him in like 2 weeks or more. The 2 weeks passed and I was hoping to see him, but nothing happened. Then I was excited because I knew he was coming back for school. School time came and I heard nothing from him, so I told myself I was going to be patient. One day I saw him when I was driving around and my heart started beating -he made me happy ;) At church I thought I had heard his voice but didn't see him. Now I'm having this feeling that maybe he wasn't that into this as I wish he was (or as I thought he was) and that feeling makes me sad.

My hopes are still there, and will be there until the end -if it happens to be an end (I really wish this story has a happy ending though).

Or maybe he thinks I don't want to see him because we haven't seen each other, but how am I supposed to tell him that I so want to see him, go out with him, talk to him...?


Lerie said...

Sometimes its a roller coaster ride huh?? =)

Sendy Monarrez said...

yupz... but it's kinda sad/stressful when you don't know what's next on the ride

Bella Sofilia said...

that's the mystery dear! if it is in ur hand, then it won't be a hard question to ask rite?

Sendy Monarrez said...

I know it shouldn't be! but it IS!!!! LOL