
Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random things about myself

*I was tagged by Shannon and Sondang.

Share: Thursday @ 22:40 
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this on facebook, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

25 Random Things About Me!
  1. I think I'm an internet lover hehe
  2. I'm all crazy about orthography... but even then, I do find some mistakes when I write LOL
  3. I love playing tympanies.... it's cool, it's fancy, it sounds awesome, and not many people know how to play them ;) and that makes it even better hehe
  4. I love teaching English. What was I doing studying engineering?!
  5. I struggled having to eat without avocado for almost a year (that was in Thailand).
  6. I think Malaysian English, and Singlish are funny ;)
  7. I kinda regret giving away that trip to Italy :(
  8. I usually take like 30 mins. or even more in the shower heheh...
  9. I love listening to different English accents!
  10. I check my GMAIL like 5 times a day hehehe... ok ok maybe not that many times, but at least like twice a day hehehe.. in normal conditions (you know, when I'm not on holidays, not stressed out in school...)
  11. I studied in Thailand for a year, and want to go again!!! Hopefully in Aug'09 ;)
  12. Watermelon and Mango lover.
  13. I like winter and wearing winter clothes, but don't like beeing cold (I already said this in another post hehe).
  14. I got FAT when I was in Thailand heheheh... ok ok maybe not that fat... but I did gain like 5 kgs. or more.
  15. I used to be good on basketball (high school times)
  16. I'm bilingual and want my kids (when I have them... in like 10 years -maybe LOL jk) to speak at least 3 languages.
  17. I've had only one boyfriend.
  18. I kind of like cooking.
  19. I've been telling my parents that I miss going on vacation to the States hehehe... dunno why but I kinda miss traveling there :S
  20. I think Thailand beaches are nicer than the ones in Cancun -even Isla Mujeres- (but Cancun is still nice).
  21. I can't do push-ups. I think I've done like 5 or 7 hehe... but not that more.
  22. I was on the vere of eating grasshoppers but couldn't do it (and I think I will never do it).
  23. I like my Developmental Psychology class from last semester (that had nothing to do with my mom being the teacher) and I think I'm going to like my Educational Psychology class from this semester. 
  24. I like going to the library, but not exactly to study LOL
  25. I tried, or I can actually say that I rode a motorbike once (in Thailand, my first and only time LOL) and it was funny.

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