
Friday, January 09, 2009

The lighthouse

*More about my holidays

On December 26th some of us went hiking to "El Faro" (the lighhouse). My mom and some other uncles and aunts hike every December, but it was my first time. They always invited me to go but I was tooooo lazy to wake up early to be there at 6 am and start hiking. COME ON!!! 6 am when I'm on holidays!! no please!! But this time I was on a more social mood so I went. I don't regret it at all, even though it was really REALLY tiring. And the best part of that day was the restaurant we went after hiking LOL.

enjoy the pics and the nice view ;-)

The lighthouse in Mazatlan
At the southern end of the peninsula, a particularly prominent rocky outcrop provides the base for "El Faro" (the lighthouse), 157m (515ft) above sea level and supposedly the second-highest lighthouse in the world (after Gibraltar).

the seaport (Mazatlan)
View from the top

wow!! she made it all the way up!!
My grandma!! When we started hiking we never thought she was going to make it all the way up.

aunts and grandma
After a long walk, the only thing you wanna do is rest.

@ the lighthouse

family @ the lighthouse
Not many people went because they were tooo lazy to wake up early and hike.
*I was taking the picture :(

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