
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cooking for one

Cooking for one is not exactly the best thing ever, or at least that's how I see it. It is actually quiet boring if you think of it. You have to prepare a whole meal for only one; and even worse, you use a lot of kitchen utensiles and have to wash them all at the end, and you ended up cooking a small lil portion of food anyway. Or maybe it is not that boring, because if you read Shimona and Deanna's blog you will convince yourself that it's not boring at all. 

Anyway, today I was the only one eating at home because dad went out to Monterrey, mom and Vico didn't have a car to come back home for lunch and I stayed at home (oh yeah! still on school break!!!), so I had to cook for myself. 
Here is what I cooked today.

I'm a potato lover!!
This was (was because it's all in my stomach now LOL) fried potatoes (with almost nothinig of oil actually), tomatoes, onions and some coriander.

With cheese is even better!
Oh, and the bread there, or what was left of it because I couldn't resist it, was with cottage cheese, avocado and the same tomatoe, onions and coriander I used for the potatoes.

This is what I mean when saying that you use a lot of kitchen utensils.


Deanna Beryl said...

Hey Sendy! I really know what you mean by cooking for one person. So funny because I just mentioned to someone (how it sucks to cook for one person only). And YES to clean all those utensils! Chis...haha. :) Hey the food looks good and the cheese topping? Awesome! :)

Sendy Monarrez said...

Thanks Deanna ;) and I love cheese!! (I know I shouldn't LOL) so whenever I can have it as topping I do it ;)