
Saturday, January 31, 2009

My roller coaster ride

I've been in this roller coaster for the past months... (caused by a special person to me).

First I was really happy because we were going out. I couldn't stop smiling and thinking of him. Then I was kind of sad because vacation came and I knew I wasn't going to see him in like 2 weeks or more. The 2 weeks passed and I was hoping to see him, but nothing happened. Then I was excited because I knew he was coming back for school. School time came and I heard nothing from him, so I told myself I was going to be patient. One day I saw him when I was driving around and my heart started beating -he made me happy ;) At church I thought I had heard his voice but didn't see him. Now I'm having this feeling that maybe he wasn't that into this as I wish he was (or as I thought he was) and that feeling makes me sad.

My hopes are still there, and will be there until the end -if it happens to be an end (I really wish this story has a happy ending though).

Or maybe he thinks I don't want to see him because we haven't seen each other, but how am I supposed to tell him that I so want to see him, go out with him, talk to him...?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random things about myself

*I was tagged by Shannon and Sondang.

Share: Thursday @ 22:40 
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this on facebook, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

25 Random Things About Me!
  1. I think I'm an internet lover hehe
  2. I'm all crazy about orthography... but even then, I do find some mistakes when I write LOL
  3. I love playing tympanies.... it's cool, it's fancy, it sounds awesome, and not many people know how to play them ;) and that makes it even better hehe
  4. I love teaching English. What was I doing studying engineering?!
  5. I struggled having to eat without avocado for almost a year (that was in Thailand).
  6. I think Malaysian English, and Singlish are funny ;)
  7. I kinda regret giving away that trip to Italy :(
  8. I usually take like 30 mins. or even more in the shower heheh...
  9. I love listening to different English accents!
  10. I check my GMAIL like 5 times a day hehehe... ok ok maybe not that many times, but at least like twice a day hehehe.. in normal conditions (you know, when I'm not on holidays, not stressed out in school...)
  11. I studied in Thailand for a year, and want to go again!!! Hopefully in Aug'09 ;)
  12. Watermelon and Mango lover.
  13. I like winter and wearing winter clothes, but don't like beeing cold (I already said this in another post hehe).
  14. I got FAT when I was in Thailand heheheh... ok ok maybe not that fat... but I did gain like 5 kgs. or more.
  15. I used to be good on basketball (high school times)
  16. I'm bilingual and want my kids (when I have them... in like 10 years -maybe LOL jk) to speak at least 3 languages.
  17. I've had only one boyfriend.
  18. I kind of like cooking.
  19. I've been telling my parents that I miss going on vacation to the States hehehe... dunno why but I kinda miss traveling there :S
  20. I think Thailand beaches are nicer than the ones in Cancun -even Isla Mujeres- (but Cancun is still nice).
  21. I can't do push-ups. I think I've done like 5 or 7 hehe... but not that more.
  22. I was on the vere of eating grasshoppers but couldn't do it (and I think I will never do it).
  23. I like my Developmental Psychology class from last semester (that had nothing to do with my mom being the teacher) and I think I'm going to like my Educational Psychology class from this semester. 
  24. I like going to the library, but not exactly to study LOL
  25. I tried, or I can actually say that I rode a motorbike once (in Thailand, my first and only time LOL) and it was funny.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Italy in March? Nop, maybe next time :(

I just gave away an all-paid trip to Italy (or maybe Romania) for 2 weeks, and I don't know if I should be happy, sad or mad.

Last semester, the dean of the Education department told us that the one with the highest GPA that semester was going to get an all-paid trip to an Adventist college/school in Europe for 2 weeks to do the teaching practice. During my registration this semester (last Thursday) I found out that I was the one with the highest GPA (3.97).
All of a sudden I thought: OMG!!! I'm going to ITALY!!!!! And then the dean asked me right away if I could give it to another girl that got 3.96 and is graduating this May. Since I'm a Junior, she said I would have a chance to go next year if I keep my GPA that high... so my expression went from "OMG! I'm going to Italy!" to "WTH!!!".
After thinking a lot and being mad at the dean (I found out that the girl who's going instead of me is one of her fav students) I accepted her petition and just said "OK I'm not going to Italy" :( Many people have told me that what I did was great ► I gave another girl the chance to go, and I'm going next year anyway (or at least that was the deal). But I can't resign myself to not going!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reading Onya's blog she said something about the "blood" video on YouTube. I think it's kinda funny, but looking at it from the kid's side... poor lil thing!!! He's all desperate trying to tell his dad that is not funny, and all his dad does is laugh! OMG!!!! what a weird dad I guess..... but it is indeed kinda funny!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cooking for one

Cooking for one is not exactly the best thing ever, or at least that's how I see it. It is actually quiet boring if you think of it. You have to prepare a whole meal for only one; and even worse, you use a lot of kitchen utensiles and have to wash them all at the end, and you ended up cooking a small lil portion of food anyway. Or maybe it is not that boring, because if you read Shimona and Deanna's blog you will convince yourself that it's not boring at all. 

Anyway, today I was the only one eating at home because dad went out to Monterrey, mom and Vico didn't have a car to come back home for lunch and I stayed at home (oh yeah! still on school break!!!), so I had to cook for myself. 
Here is what I cooked today.

I'm a potato lover!!
This was (was because it's all in my stomach now LOL) fried potatoes (with almost nothinig of oil actually), tomatoes, onions and some coriander.

With cheese is even better!
Oh, and the bread there, or what was left of it because I couldn't resist it, was with cottage cheese, avocado and the same tomatoe, onions and coriander I used for the potatoes.

This is what I mean when saying that you use a lot of kitchen utensils.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Template

I finally got a new template!!! YEYS!! 
It took me AGES to decide which template to use. So many of them!!! soOOoo hard to choose! And then the copy-paste work.... moving all the links and Gadgets takes time you know. But managed to recover almost everything, except my flag counter :( So cacat lah the flag counter! cause they cannot save it.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Smile -it's the second best thing you can do with your lips.

*Found this quote in one of Carol's pics on Facebook.... it's great LOL and funny.... so I leave it to your imagination what the first thing can be.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Once I wrote somethingt similar to this post (here), but my last nalgene lasted only like a week LOL. This time... dunno for how long I will have it hehe. 
Anyway, have a good time ;)


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

When is it going to happen?

Every time I start a new semester I say, "This time I'm giving myself more free time" (as in I'm not going to be EXTREMELY busy as always). I never do it! and as usual, I've said it again this time... I need to see if I will be able to achieve that goal LOL, and seriously I need to slow down a bit. I NEED A BREAK!!! not as in no school, but as in a semester with less extra curricular activities that drive me crazy (and I love them all!!). Maybe that's the problem ► I enjoy doing lots of things, but I just don't have the time.

Anyway.... I do wanna slow down this time.

Oh, and my holiday fever.... it's all gone! I'm back to the uni, not actually in school (yet), but am back on campus and started with some english tutoring, so that officially puts me in a not-on-vacation status :(

Friday, January 09, 2009

My fav holiday pics

*If you click on the pic you will see it on my flickr. Enjoy!! ;-)

nice face LOL Starfish Karla riding an ATV the girls sunset in Mazatlan
Mr. Turkey Mom and Dad

1. A view from the lighthouse
2. Enoc and his scarred face
3. Starfish
4. A priceless moment and lots of fun
5. The girls (my cousins)
6. Sunset in Mazatlan
7. Mr. Turkey (tio Mon)
8. Dad and Mom

The lighthouse

*More about my holidays

On December 26th some of us went hiking to "El Faro" (the lighhouse). My mom and some other uncles and aunts hike every December, but it was my first time. They always invited me to go but I was tooooo lazy to wake up early to be there at 6 am and start hiking. COME ON!!! 6 am when I'm on holidays!! no please!! But this time I was on a more social mood so I went. I don't regret it at all, even though it was really REALLY tiring. And the best part of that day was the restaurant we went after hiking LOL.

enjoy the pics and the nice view ;-)

The lighthouse in Mazatlan
At the southern end of the peninsula, a particularly prominent rocky outcrop provides the base for "El Faro" (the lighthouse), 157m (515ft) above sea level and supposedly the second-highest lighthouse in the world (after Gibraltar).

the seaport (Mazatlan)
View from the top

wow!! she made it all the way up!!
My grandma!! When we started hiking we never thought she was going to make it all the way up.

aunts and grandma
After a long walk, the only thing you wanna do is rest.

@ the lighthouse

family @ the lighthouse
Not many people went because they were tooo lazy to wake up early and hike.
*I was taking the picture :(

Our ATV adventure!

More pictures...
With Enoc
With the crazy driver... thanks to him we had 3 accidents LOL.
But it was still fun ;)

Vico and Karla
Vico and Kalra... they were more careful hehe

hey there!!!
My turn to drive ;)

posing with Karla
Hello there!!! The craziest cousins ever... and the cutest too LOL

2nd accident

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


OMG!!!! I just realilzed that I didnt wish you all Happy New Year here on my blog... my bad.
anyway.. i just did LOL. So......



God bless you all!! I wish I could give you a hug to all of you my dear friends who read my blog, but oh well, at least I can give you a virtual one LOL ;-)

Saturday, January 03, 2009

"Granja de mi Abuelo"

On December 25th we went to this place called "Granja de mi Abuelo" (a restaurand and a lil ranch kind of thing) to celebrate my lil cousin's baptism. We had branch and the lots of fun with the family.

"Granja de Mi Abuelo"
"My Grandpa's Farm"

Brunch ;)

Part of the Family
"The Martinez"
That was only part of the family, maybe half of the family.
We were 45 on Christmas Eve, and even then we weren't complete.

2nd accident
2nd accident. On our 1st one we drove through the bushes, and we had a 3rd one.

Time with my cousins

I'm having a great time this christmas break! I will be posting on different things we did this break, but it basiaclly includes:
  • Riding 4-wheeled ATVs
  • Shopping
  • Going to the beach
  • Christmas Eve
  • New Year's Eve
  • Hiking
I got to spend a lot of time with my cousins which I hadn't seen in a long time. Here are some pics with/of them.

the girls
Karla, Elvira, SeNdY and Dulce at my aunt's beauty salon.

Elvira and Enoc trying to carry vico.... and I say trying cause it was just like 3 seconds LOL

with some cousins
At the shopping mall with some cousins (Vico, Dulce, Enoc, Karla, SeNdY and Noe).

