
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Last Sabbath in the Brazilian church in Montreal

I've had the opportunity to be in many churches, and especially to play viola in different countries. And this time, while living in Montreal, it was not the exception. Feom the very first Sabbath that I arrived, I shared my talent and worshiped with my music. Since then, I felt accepted and welcome in that church. Many people would not understand why I chose to go to a Brazilian church instead of going to the hispanic one or even a french-speaking one. Besides the obvious reason that is not to ne explained here, I like the Brazilian worship style and convivencia.

But then I had to say goodbye, and believe me, saying goodbye is never easy. And this time is especially difficult because this church had become my "family" in Montreal (I did not know anybody in the city, and even before I arrived, they helped me out).

I might not be Brazilian, and I might not have moved to Montreal (for now) as a permanent resident, but the people in this church opened their heart to me as if I was to stay there as part of their church family.

I know that (almost) anywhere I may go, there will be a church where I can feel at home.

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