
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We need to believe

Today's song is also in Portuguese* > "Antes você precisa crer".

"God wants to open the sea for you but before you need to believe."
I like it because it uses several stories throughout the Bible to remind us that we need to do our part in order to receive God's blessings > that is, to have faith in God. Sometimes, doing our part means to be brave, risk something and go forward, even when it does not make any sense to us or we don't know where we're heading. But God knows what's best for us and He wants us to believe.

*Though English is my strongest foreign language, I find myself thinking and speaking more in Portuguese than in English these days. But that's just another topic for a blog entry. Maybe another day I'll write about that.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Keep a song in my heart

So I've noticed that for the past few days I've been waking up singing. Literally, when I wake up I start singing; every morning a different song. First I thought it was just, you know, for a day or so, but it's been like that every day. So I've decided to try to keep a record of the songs I sing every morning, or at least of the most significant ones.

Today's song is of one of my favourite Bible verses. In fact, the whole song is about Joshua chapter 1, but the very part that I started singing this morning was from Joshua 1:9: "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

"Sê forte e corajoso, não temas nem te espantes
Porque o Senhor teu Deus é contigo onde andares"

The song is in Portuguese, from Pr. Daniel Lüdtke's second DVD Filhos de Israel (Children of Israel). I love this song because it's as if you're reading the Bible while listening to it. It's a promise and encouragement at the same time. So good for today, perfect song!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Last Sabbath in the Brazilian church in Montreal

I've had the opportunity to be in many churches, and especially to play viola in different countries. And this time, while living in Montreal, it was not the exception. Feom the very first Sabbath that I arrived, I shared my talent and worshiped with my music. Since then, I felt accepted and welcome in that church. Many people would not understand why I chose to go to a Brazilian church instead of going to the hispanic one or even a french-speaking one. Besides the obvious reason that is not to ne explained here, I like the Brazilian worship style and convivencia.

But then I had to say goodbye, and believe me, saying goodbye is never easy. And this time is especially difficult because this church had become my "family" in Montreal (I did not know anybody in the city, and even before I arrived, they helped me out).

I might not be Brazilian, and I might not have moved to Montreal (for now) as a permanent resident, but the people in this church opened their heart to me as if I was to stay there as part of their church family.

I know that (almost) anywhere I may go, there will be a church where I can feel at home.