
Monday, April 06, 2009

My great but crazy weekend

Saturday ► I went with the uni orchestra to play in town. Had to wake up at 5 am in order to be ready at 6:30. The morning program was great, and in the afternoon we had a concert. I always enjoy the orchestra concerts, and sometimes I wish I could just sit with the rest of the people listening and enjoying every single song hehe.

Orchestra @ Cintermex
Playing my fav song "Enviame a mi" (send me).
The song is based on Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

Orchestra @ Cintermex

Sunday ► It started with summer time and wakinig up rather late. Then I went to a friend's wedding which I knew about only an hour before it happened =S
Sunday evening, we had the "Moody Awards" at the uni, organized by the Student Council (am part of it), so before the event we were running up and down getting everything ready. During the event, I didn't actually enjoy it that much because I had to make sure all the participants were ready to go up on stage. After the event, well... I just didn't bother to help (shame on me) because I was really tired!!!

Cargando mesas y sillas para los Moody
Before the event (in the afternoon) carrying chairs and tables.
I was actually the driver, Muahaha

FedEst 2008-2009
Student Council 2008-2009

Moody Awards 2009
With some friends after the event.


Bella Sofilia said...

you look great as usual ;)

Sendy Monarrez said...

thanks sayang ;)