
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Great people

It was great meeting you all again. Every single person that I've met has made a difference in my life, and some are very special to me.

The end of another great adventure

If we never meet again


Soon we'll come to the end of life's journey

And perhaps we'll never meet anymore

Till we gather in heaven's bright city

Far away on that beautiful shore

If we never meet again this side of heaven

As we struggle through this world and its strife

There's another meeting place somewhere in heaven

By the beautiful river of life

Where the charming roses bloom forever

And separations come no more

If we never meet again this side of heaven

I will meet you on that beautiful shore

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

At least I tried

Now I know why her attitude really hurt me. It hurt because I cared about her and because I opened myself to her. And yet, she did not care at all, she did not appreciate it. It is not that I do not care about her anymore but I am not going to give something to someone that is not willing to accept it. It is a pity because I thought she was different, but at least now I can say that I know how she really is.

Opening yourself to someone can be risky because not always the other person appreciates your friendship. However, if you never try, you will never know.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Which teaching technique is ideal in ELT?

One of the presentations in our Trends and Issues of TESOL class was on the Ideal Teaching Technique. We saw some factors that we need to consider when deciding which teaching technique is ideal in English Language Teaching, but we did not focus exactly on the ideal teaching technique itself. In my opinion, the ideal teaching technique is the one that aims to the Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT). According to Brown (2001), CLT techniques are designed to engage learners in the pragmatic, authentic, functional use of the language for meaningful purpose. I like the ‘authentic’ and ‘functional’ part of his definition. Generally, a student enrolls in an English class to be able to communicate outside the classroom, which means authentic learning. If we use real-life situations as part of the teaching techniques, the students will feel that they are learning to communicate, and not only learning rules and the forms of the language. Communication means more than only speaking or writing, therefore my ideal technique would involve integration of skills and grammar teaching (in a lesser extent) following the CLT.

Brown, D. H. (2001). Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. (2nd ed.) New York: Pearson Longman.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


“We make our own decisions, but the Lord alone determines what happens.”

(Proverbs 16:33)

“We may make a lot of plans, but the Lord will do what he has decided.”

(Proverbs 19:21)

I thought that I had come here to study, travel around and have lots of fun, but instead, God’s purpose for me being here was completely different. My expectations and plans for this semester were many, but now that I look at them again I think they were vague. Basically every big plan I would make would just disappear. That made me feel very depressed, but it was then when I realized what God was trying to teach me. He was trying to tell me that life for me has a different meaning and a different purpose. Here I’ve learned to depend on God and to let Him guide me. I might want to make my own plans but He is the One who in the end determines my future.

Dear Lord, I surrender all my life to you. Thank you for your love and for making me realize that life without your guidance has no purpose at all.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Sometimes... even the best of us get stressed out.
Sometimes... we could all use a break.
Sometimes... laughter can solve the problem.
Sometimes... a light heart can save the day.
Sometimes... a carefree attitude can free the soul.
Sometimes... a smile can warm the coldest of hearts.
Sometimes... the right words can change the situation.
Sometimes... it's just not enough...
Sometimes... there's nothing you can do.
Sometimes... you just have to pray.

This little list of sometimes made me remember that when we are stressed out, there are things we can do that will help. However, in the end God is the one who will help us to go through our tough times.

*taken from a message from the SDA Sabbath School Lesson Forum on facebook.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A messy desktop

When my desktop is messy (look a the pic) it means I'm stressed out! Right now, there are like tooooons of things to finish, and I just realized that mostly I get stressed out because I usually try to do many things at the same time. So yeah, right now I'm on the trying-to-survive-the-last-few-weeks-of-school stage lol.

On a totally different topic, I have decided (again!) to start from scratch. I've tried it a couple of times but it seems like it hasn't worked yet. We will see if this time works out. I'm more willing to make it happen this time though. The first part is done > erase all evidence and be positive about it. The hardest parts are to come, but one step at a time will help me overcome this.

About my Thai Adventures... well, there are still many things adding to the list of adventures every week, but it's just that I haven't had (or made) time to write them down. But that does not mean I'm not enjoying my time here, and making an adventure out of everything and anything.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Do not be discouraged

"Don't say you're too young... I promise to be with you and keep you safe, so don't be afraid."
"I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I'm the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go."

Sometimes we feel like we have done our bet and yet other people say it was not good. When someone tells you that it was not a good job, or when you expect someone to be happy with what you did and they simply do not appreciate it, you can easily feel discouraged or inferior.

Today I felt that way. I had done my best and I thought it was a good job, but then I was told I had to do it again. That really made me feel inferior, and I was afraid of having to do my work all over again, this time with more pressure on me and higher expectations. Then I open my Bible and read that God told Jeremiah not to be afraid. Immediately after that comes the story of Joshua to my mind. God told him not to be afraid or discouraged. These two Bible character, Jeremiah and Joshua, were young people just like me, facing situations that most probably made them feel inferior and afraid, and yet the Lord told them He was going to be with them.

Now I know the Lord is telling me the same thing. He is with me and He will help me wherever I go and whatever situation I encounter.

If you feel the same way, if someone has made you feel inferior, or if you think you cannot do it, just remember what the Lord says:

"Do not be afraid or discouraged." "I promise to be with you and keep you safe."

Monday, September 28, 2009

getting sick :(

I hate the pre-symptoms of flu because I know I'll get a flu but it's not totally a flu yet. But I hate flu even more because I cannot sleep well and I cannot stop sneezing. Today I started sneezing and coughing, and to make it even worse, I got a terrible headache that started during my 11am class. The afternoon was terrible, and even though I tried to concentrate while reading, it was really hard. I managed to read most of the material for my presentation but I kept on sneezing and coughing, so Duc brought me some Vitamin C and Paracetamol.Then, before worship, he also brought me some porridge and said that it should make me feel better, so I ate it. It was really good and hot, and I sort of felt a little better but tight now, after a couple of hours, I feel bad again. I just hope I can sleep well!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

yumy yumy!

I had totally forgotten aunty Sarapee Hamra's delicious banana bread mini cupcakes. Last Friday after vespers, I ate some, and re-fell in love with them. I even took some to my room, but by Monday they were all gone (I did not eat them all by myself ok lol).

Today I was passing by her office and thought I could just ask her if she has more in her office, because I knew she had made them for a meeting/conference. She said she did not have more in the office but if I wanted some, I could go to her house to get more. I was kind of shy, but at the same time happy that I was going to get more. Then after lunch she brought them to her office and gave them to me! now
I'm in the library, and since I'm kind of falling asleep, I decided I was going to mouse (just to stay awake!).

I love these banana bread mini cupcakes!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mexican food in Thailand

Yaniris and I have been writing our Thai Adventures and it also includes Cooking Adventures. So far we have cooked Mexican food twice (the third one will be next Sunday!). I had the marvelous idea of bringing tortillas all the way from Mexico, and we enjoyed them the very first week we were here. We have written about this in our mini series so I will focus on the food.

Our first meal was Enchiladas, which is basically fried corn tortillas soaked in tomato sauce (you can fill them with whatever you want to, this time we decided to put chicken). Then you pour hot tomato sauce and spread grated cheese on top of the ENCHILADAS (if you do it while they are hot, the cheese will melt and it will be even more delicious). Since we thought that the enchiladas were not going to be enough, we also cooked rice (western style: with salt and some other seasonings hehe), vegetables, potatoes and pico de gallo (chopped tomatoes, onions and cilantro). And guess what... it ended up being a lot of food and we even got to eat it again the next day!

Our second meal was TACOS but this time a Thai friend, Boon, brought tortillas from Bangkok. We cooked chicken, potatoes and tried to make the Pico de Gallo, but we forgot to buy cilantro, so it ended up in salsa only (tomtoes and onions).

I cannot believe that it has been only 4 weeks and we have cooked twice. I say that because it is usually hard to get the ingredients, but I guess my cooking mood has helped as well. The last time I was here I did not cook any mexican food at all, but I think I have done more cooking because now I enjoy it more than before. It is especially gratifying to cook for friends who ask for Mexican food because they love it. And even if it is not mexican food, I think I enjoy cooking!
Next dish is going to be Molletes!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

*Another question in my English for Tourism class.

What was the happiest moment of your life?
One of the happiest moments in my life was when, after 3 months of treatment, we discovered that my mom did not have cancer anymore. In 2003
she went through chemotherapy and one day during the 3rd month of treatment my dad told me to go see my mom because she wanted to talk to me. somehow I knew what she was going to tell me because I had confidence in God that He was going to heal my mom. And now every time I think of it, I can't stop praising the Lord and thanking Him for that gift and for the opportunity of having my mom with us now.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Questions to think about

Mrs. Nebres always starts the class (English for Tourism) reading a question and then we all give our answer to it. I'll try to post some of the questions and my answers here. This question was from yesterday (01/Sep/09).

What’s the greatest accomplishment in your life so far?

There are two great accomplishments that I can think of right now. The ‘new’ (it’s been a process actually) attitude that helps me look at things from the positive side and that helps me find new adventures, even if they come from small simple pleasures. The second and more recent accomplishment (it’s been a process too) is that I’ve managed to face *some* of my fears and try new experiences. Things as simple as eating Thai food or writing an article for Newsbyte are part of that process of doing things I would normally say ‘no! I won’t do it’.

Driving around Muak Lek with Aaron and Yanis. Simple adventures that bring joy to our life.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Major updates

I just realized that my last post is from mid June, and I kind of feel bad that I haven't updated this blog like in ages. Sometimes I feel like I want to write something, but then laziness comes to me and I keep on sayingtomorrow... tomorrow. But finally I'm writing again and this time it will be about new adventures. I realized/decided that life does not really have to be that normal and monotonous. That's like looking at things with a negative perspective. Instead of doing that, all I do and all that happens to me will be an adventure, even the most simple things.

The beginning of my adventures date from July 2009. I found myself heading to Memphis on July 3rd knowing just a bit of what it was going to be all about. After a couple of weeks of babysitting I found out that there was going to be an unusual adventure. Some friends tried to discourage me saying that I was being exploited, but somehow God had prepared me to see the good side of any situation and that helped me not to give up. On the last week of July I found myself in northern Florida enjoying the beach and playing with a 4 year-old boy that was scared of the waves. Finally,August came and my USA/TN adventure ended. I was glad that it was over because I was ready for whatever was coming next, but at the same time I felt like I needed to stay longer to fully enjoy what TN could offer to me.

August 11th, I was on my way back home, excited because I was going to see Sara again. She did not know what I had planned and that was even better. Our Houston-Monterrey flight was the same, so while waiting for my connection flight in Houston, I decided to go look for her on the other side of the airport. She was surprised to see me and I was so happy to see her! After that we had 6 great days together to do some cooking, paperwork, meeting friends, eating out, shopping, etc.

On August 16th the big adventure started. This time it involved 3 more friends, so it makes it even more interesting. Somehow I was sad to leave because I wanted to be with Sara, but I was excited as well because I was going to see some of my friends again. After long hours of waiting, running at the DFW airport, sleeping and walking around planes, we got to our final destination, AIU (formerly MC). This big adventure will end in January, but I'm sure there will be more to come, small or big but there's always new adventures to enjoy.

Thank God my adventures ended up being great ;)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

black, white? no thanks

For some people life is simply balck and white but somewhere between black and white is my dream to be with you.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Graduation weekend

My brother and my cousin were part of the first group who graduated from the Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications from Montemorelos University. And my graduated from Doctorate in Education ;-) CONGRATULATIONS to them!


Mon and Vico

I just love how the church looks ;)

Mom! I love you and I'm so proud of you!!!

The Monarrez and vico's gf (Cesy)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

dreams, visions or plans?

Dania wrote this as a comment on Aaron's blog... and I just love it. It shows that even if we try our best to succeed in life, the only way we can do it is if we let God lead us.

I have a dream. -Martin Luther King
I have a vision. -Ellen G. White
I have a plan. -God

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Uncomfortable situations

Yesterday I read Julie's post and it kinda made me think on what would I do on certain situations that could make me feel a lil unconfortable. Today I was in one of those 'uncomfortable situations'. What do you do when you are in an exam (as a student) and you notice that basically all your classmates are asking for questions or giving the answers to the rest of the class and the teacher does not seem to notice that at all? I hate when that happens! but oh well, I guess am not going to be the kind of student who tells the teacher that they are giving the answers.... so up to them! In the end, we all are going to get our 'rewards' if we do right, and our 'punishment' if we do wrong.
However, I still can't stand it!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

a new version of the story

After our 10 days of Influenza Break, we are now 'back to school'. It still feels quiet awkward having to wear disposable face masks in classes and having to wash our hands with hand sanitizer almost every hour or before entering a building! But oh well, those are the conditions they gave us in order to get back to our regular activities and classes.

And we even have to wear a bracelet (see the pic of my hand lol) until Monday. Every student at the uni got one after the 10 days of the already mentioned 'break'. We had to go for an 'anti influenza test'(basically questions of where did you go on those 10 days, what did you do, etc.) and since they saw that I was clean lol I got the bracelet. We even started making fun of it as if we were inmates in a prision (because of the numbers).... mine is116848.

Anyway, I have 2 more weeks of school and then my summer starts! I'm kinda sad and disapointed because I'm going to stay here (AGAIN! :@) for the whole summer. I mean... it was quiet expected that I was going to stay, but I still had some hope that I could go somewhere... but oh well, that's my life I guess hehehe. But as I was saying the other day, it's one summer less in this place muahaha.

Oh, and here's a pic I just got from a friend hehe
I love this new version of the story > The 3 little pigs.
*enjoy it ;)

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I found my hideout when boredom attacks during this 'InlfuenzaBreak' ► My room! and all I need is:
- My confi bed
- My huge laptop (Dell Inspiron 9400 15'')
- Wireless connection (very important! Needless to say facebook and MSN lol)
- My cellphone (just in case... but I haven't used it that much actually)
- Movies
- My homework (yes, I still have to do homework).

Monday, April 27, 2009

a little prayer please

Please pray for Mexico!! things are getting quiet complicated here... the Secretary of Health has announced that classes are canceled until the 6th of May because of the swine flu.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Time flies!

April is almost gone and then it comes May along with final projects, final exams, and at the end of the month my bro and my mom’s graduation (Vico finishes his Bachelor’s Degree and my mom her PhD). Then it comes the summer with intensive courses and lots of preparation ;) I think I will teach one or two English classes at the language school or take some intensive courses. After summer… OMG! Sara’s is going to be here!!! (hope I get to see her in August). Then it comes my time to go abroad (if I would have written this a week ago, it would have been a completely different story which included Thailand, but God has amazing ways of changing plans).
*I will talk about this later, when everything is clear enough to say it out loud. CAN'T WAIT!!!

Ok… getting back to the fact that we are still not in summer break and that school hasn’t finished yet. We had Moody Awards at the beginning of April (I blogged about this earlier) and that was basically the last activity of the Student Council. I feel relieved but at the same time I kind of miss all the meetings we had and all the stress hehe.
Almost all the members of the Student Council.

On my "spring break" (more like a long weekend) I went to a Master Guide Camporee. I had lots of fun and learned quiet a lot because this time I was part of the staff.

I started teaching English at the High School and it’s been a learning experience. I don’t have a big classroom (started with 10 students but 2 of them were expelled 2 weeks ago), and having a small classroom helps a lot when it comes to discipline. There are still other things to take in consideration, like the fact that I’m supposed to be teaching an “advance” class but most of my students can’t even understand when I give them instructions in English (however, I won’t lower the school work, which is not that much anyway).
Teaching there gives me more reasons why I want to work in a language school and not in a secondary or high school. It’s not that I don’t like it, but I do enjoy a lot more teaching at the language school. However, it looks like I will take a break from teaching English for a little while and do something I did not expect but which I think I will enjoy and will be a completely different but great experience.
My English students at the language school.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bach's Brandenburg Concert No. 3

We are going to play Bach's Brandenburg Concert No. 3 and I love it!! This will be the second time I play it, so I think it's going to be easier hehe. The first time I played it was long time ago, in my first year at the uni orchestra (I think I was in high school... not sure) and I remembered I had a hard time with that concert, but it was worth it.

I was falling asleep at the orchestra practice, and when we started practicing the Brandenburg Concert my sleepiness went away hehe.

*I just hope we play it this semester and not the next one 'cause I won't be here next semester :(

Monday, April 06, 2009

My great but crazy weekend

Saturday ► I went with the uni orchestra to play in town. Had to wake up at 5 am in order to be ready at 6:30. The morning program was great, and in the afternoon we had a concert. I always enjoy the orchestra concerts, and sometimes I wish I could just sit with the rest of the people listening and enjoying every single song hehe.

Orchestra @ Cintermex
Playing my fav song "Enviame a mi" (send me).
The song is based on Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

Orchestra @ Cintermex

Sunday ► It started with summer time and wakinig up rather late. Then I went to a friend's wedding which I knew about only an hour before it happened =S
Sunday evening, we had the "Moody Awards" at the uni, organized by the Student Council (am part of it), so before the event we were running up and down getting everything ready. During the event, I didn't actually enjoy it that much because I had to make sure all the participants were ready to go up on stage. After the event, well... I just didn't bother to help (shame on me) because I was really tired!!!

Cargando mesas y sillas para los Moody
Before the event (in the afternoon) carrying chairs and tables.
I was actually the driver, Muahaha

FedEst 2008-2009
Student Council 2008-2009

Moody Awards 2009
With some friends after the event.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Playing typmanies

Yeys!! Got a chance to play tympanies last Sabbath at church! ;) It was pretty cool, however I rather play tympanies with the Orchestra or the Brass Ensemble. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the music and the service last Sabbath. 
It was the end of the Week of Prayer, and as it was expected, the music was great! and the sermons went straight to those wounds that I didn't want to touch for a long time. 
*I need to do something about it... but am working on that.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

I kinda got the gerbear hehe.
Not that someone gave it to me... more like I went to a friend's bridal shower and got it there muahaha.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just because you're lazy?

I tend to underline and write notes on the books I read (when mine lol). While I was reading My Sister's Keeper a while ago, I found this interesting part that made me think a lot. Is it really true what it says there? I mean, I know it's a novel and all that, but could it be true? Can we be like that? Something to think about hehe.

The problem, you know, is that you never forget your firts one. And even if your brain's smart about it, your body's got the IQ of a fruit fly.
It's just so easy with him. It's like we're picking up where we left off. I already know everything I need to about him and he already knows everything he needs to about me.
Can you fall for someone because you're lazy?

*Conversation between Julia and her sister Iz, on page 332 of My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I want...

I want a gerbera daisy flower!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What's the point?

What's the chat for if you are not online?
What's the e-mail for if you don't send me one?
What's the cell phone for if you don't have credit to call me?
What's a movie for if you don't have time to watch one?
What's spare time for if I cannot spend it with you?

Monday, March 02, 2009

Spiritual Retreat 2009

Last weekend I went with the Faculty of Education and Psychology to the spiritual retreat. We had lots of fun! and the place was really nice!!! It was at a biopark near the campus, where we stayed for 2 days (Saturday and Sunday).

Here are some pictures...

This is the park's camping area.

The colorful lil cabins where we stayed.

Sabbath School

Special music

With some of my classmates ;)

Night safari

Our car got stuck at the night safari and their car had to help us.

With Sohorin and Lee-C (sunday morning)

With Lee-C, Sohorin and Ornella

My team during the sunday morning rally

Group picture

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Heading to my sewing classes... pictures and videos will be up tomorrow (I hope LOL).

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I didn't tell you that you looked nice.
I wanted to invite you to eat at my place but I couldn't find the way to tell you.
I wanted to chat with you for a while but I was shy (coulnd't find an excuse to interrupt).
You looked for me and we had a good chat.

It was a great day after all (thanks to you).

Tomorrow... I might not be able to see you. 
Will I stop smiling if I don't see you?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Love can turn the world

We're as different as night and day
We're the same in different ways
And it's true, just look at me and you

If coal can turn to diamonds
And sand can turn to pearls
If a worm can turn into a butterfly
Then love can turn the world

*I love this song by the Gaither Vocal Band. It's one of my favorite songs! Hope you like it too ;)
The only part I don't like is where it says that we can be whatever we want to be and that the power is in us. And where do we leave God? He's the One who will help us change and be whatever He wants us to be.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Apple pie: my first attempt LOL

My mom was cooking something for lunch today and she needed to use the oven (we hardly use it hehe), so I told her that I wanted to make an apple pie. Then I asked my bro to google up a recipe and print it for me... luckily I had everything needed and so I started. It ended up being a lil harder to make than I thought, but it's all worth it I think hehehe, cause it looks yummy!!!
I didn't take pics of the making-the-apple-pie moment, but once I turned of the oven, I took the first 2 pics.

Cannot wait to eat it all!!!! hehehe... ok ok I'll share! :P

Not aesthetic at all hehehe... but yummy for sure!!