
Monday, December 01, 2008

A bit of everything

Today I opened Google Reader and found that I had 59 unread posts. OMG!!! I hadn't had time to read blogs.... but I guess am just taking a bit of that time to update mine and read some blogs.

Last week there was an IT Symposium, or something l ike that LOL, organized by the senior students (including my brother) from the Engineering department. You may wonder why am I writing about this if I'm not part of that department anymore... Well, among the special guests/speakers, they invited Michael A. Comberiate (aka NASA Mike), who is a scientist that works at NASA.

with Mike, Vico and Cecy

And here are some pics taken during the past 2 weeks.

Practicing with the Brass Ensemble and the Chamber Choir (church)

Playing with the String Quintet (auditorium)

L-R: Erika, Rosy, Sendy, Mrs. Kelda, Yaniris and Rosalba (English Education major, junior year)

We like drinking "coffee" when it gets really cold ;)

In Room 110 you find the vegie coffee lovers

Just being silly... and that's our new uniform ;) so much better than the ugly green one.


Lerie said...

Hiiiiii!! Nice to see you so musically involved still! I remember the first weekend you were at MC at church you brought out your violin during song service and started playing. I was like wow that girl is so cool! oooh and I like your shoes/boots that you're wearing in the last few pix...hehehe =)

Sendy Monarrez said...

hahaha thanks!!! I really like playing at church ;) It's a way of saying thanks to God, who gave me this talent.

and 'bout my boots hehehe thanks... i like them too!! and they really help when it's too cold in here hehe

Deanna Beryl said...

I love the last pic! And your hair - so nice lah :)

Glad to know you're still active in music!

Sendy Monarrez said...

thanks Deanna ;)
I cut my hair last summer and I liked it that way so I guess I'll have it like that for a while hehe...
and I try to keep myself busy playing at chirch hehe.. I just love it ;)