
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I don't like Wednesdays at all!!!!

Wednesday is the day when I wake up like extremely early, comparing to the rest of the week, so I think that's the main reason why I don't like it. Usually I get up at 3 am or sometimes 4 (when I don't have a lot of homework). I don't even know how this whole waking-up-really-early thing started :( but anyway... that's how it is now.
The word Wednesday is equal to teaching practice (at least this semester), and that takes a lot of my time. Appart from my normal teaching job and my uni classes, I have to do teaching practice in a public secondary school in town. The first days I didn't like going there at all, but now that I've been going once a week for like 9 weeks, I think I'm kinda enjoying it, but I still preffer my job at the Language Institute.
Another reason why it is not my fav day of the week is because I start classes at 7:15 am (the other days I start at 8).

This morning I was thinking that I should do something so that I don't have to wake up that early to prepare my class and do some homework, but what to do?! Once I tried to do the class planning like 2 days in advance and guess what..... no ideas at all came to my mind. I've descovered that my mind works better when I'm stressed out or when I know I have short time to do things. I guess that's normal for me, so unless something really big happens to make me change, I think I will have to wake up early and hate Wednesdays for the rest of the semester LOL.


Lerie said...

Heyy! You're not the only one! Me and alot of people I know work really well under pressure...last minute! Hahahah...all the best I'm sure you're doing a great job as it is. It stilll sucks having to wake up early though! =P

Sendy Monarrez said...

hehe thanks for the comment!! and I know, it sucks!! actually u know... right now my eyes kinda hurt and are begging me to go to sleep LOL