
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Back from the mission trip

Hey beautiful people, I'm back. Well, I actually came on sunday evening, but couldn't find the time to get online.

Well, the whole mission trip thing was great. It was really short though (friday to sunday) but we could really see a difference in the school
(it was an adventist elementary school) after we finished on sunday. We painted the whole school, fixed/cleaned the classrooms, did some gardenin and collected some clothes and things for the people in southern Mexico that are struggling for the flood.

I enjoyed it a lot because I didn't know a lot of people in the MG club before going to the trip, but it helped me to get to know more people and find out that there are great people I didn't know before.

The bad part of it... I got sick (cold) because I didn't sleep enough. Well that's what I think, but who knows... maybe I'm just weak and so that's why I get sick really easy. But what I really know is that I hate having a cold. Specially when I need to go and teach, my voice is just terribly bad. But oh well... will get better soon. And I guess the water will help a lot cause I'm trying to drink more than 3 lts per day.

ok, I don't have the pics yet, but when I get them will upload them ok... cause I know there are tons of them.

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