
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mission Trip pictures.... finally! lol

The shirt we got for that mission trip

Preparing the soy milk for breakfast

The group I worked with on Friday morning

Lunch time! The best of all!!!!!

Sabbath School program

One of the three different groups that went to 3 different churches during the morning
Can you find me?!

@ the church we went to in the afternoon

Sunday morning -just before we started working again

my turn to see others working lol

cleaning before the painting comes

some of the MG club members painting



Thursday, November 22, 2007

few more weeks!

yeah!! school is almost over!!! and that makes me HAPPY! 20 more days and I will be out of school for this year!!!
Actually that's good and bad... cause I've been procrastinating a lot (like most of the college students around the world lol) and so now I'm so stressed out with all the assignments that I need to finish. Adding to that, the English classes I'm teaching (thank God everything is going great with those classes).

Talking about other things that are not school.... last weekend was great!!! I went to Houston with my family to visit an uncle. It was sooooo relaxing and it was like the mid semester vacation I was looking for and couldn't see coming at all. I have some pictures but they are kinda bad cause we don't have a camera, so we took it with my brother's phone.
And this next weekend... I'm going camping!!

ok that's it for today... now pics from the day we went to the NASA-->
my dad and Vico at the back, then my mom (pink), me and claudia (my uncle's gf)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

missing the asian accent

*currently posting from my workplace - the language institute.
I came to the Language Institute really early today to prepare my classes and I met this guy from the Philippines. He's cturrently living in Mexico and he's married to an American lady. While talking to him I found out that he was working at the Adventist school in Thailand (Sarauri) while I was there and so we started talking about Thailand and some places there. It was nice talking to this person, specially to listen to his accent. I really miss the Asian accent. The only thing close to the Asian accent I can get here is when I talk to the Philippino teacher or his wife here, but I rarely see them. Talking to these people made me miss Thailand a lot!!!!!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Back from the mission trip

Hey beautiful people, I'm back. Well, I actually came on sunday evening, but couldn't find the time to get online.

Well, the whole mission trip thing was great. It was really short though (friday to sunday) but we could really see a difference in the school
(it was an adventist elementary school) after we finished on sunday. We painted the whole school, fixed/cleaned the classrooms, did some gardenin and collected some clothes and things for the people in southern Mexico that are struggling for the flood.

I enjoyed it a lot because I didn't know a lot of people in the MG club before going to the trip, but it helped me to get to know more people and find out that there are great people I didn't know before.

The bad part of it... I got sick (cold) because I didn't sleep enough. Well that's what I think, but who knows... maybe I'm just weak and so that's why I get sick really easy. But what I really know is that I hate having a cold. Specially when I need to go and teach, my voice is just terribly bad. But oh well... will get better soon. And I guess the water will help a lot cause I'm trying to drink more than 3 lts per day.

ok, I don't have the pics yet, but when I get them will upload them ok... cause I know there are tons of them.