
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hey Sendy

Hey Sendy

To have you as my rara roommate
I feel extremely lucky
Because I know, it was not fate.

With you there's never a shortage of laughter
Having someone to talk to
Even as the day grows darker
We always have something to do.

Dark curls and tanned skin,
A latina who can't live without music
You explained to me the difference between viola and violin
In return I gave you a paracetamol when you were sick

I got to know your brother Victor,
Never seen anyone that big and tall,
Who came fo only one semester,
To study ESL.

Thank you for the great time in Phuket,
Especialy for recording that bungee
I hope I will never forget,
How the heck did I become so crazy?

There were times when we woke up late,
And nearly miss our 8 o'clock classes,
There were also times when we ate and ate,
In Dr. Chew's and other facutly houses.

Who's gonna be my roommate,
When you leave for Mexico?
The raros will be incomplete,
Because no one will ever replace you when you go.

With love,

Written by Vivian (fifi), my ex-roommate from Mission College, Thailand. That was the first time somebody gave me a poem, and it was so much fun to read it when I got if rom fifi!! thanks fifi! We had great times!!! you are so crazy and so much fun...and a great friend as well ;)

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