
Monday, December 24, 2007

Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas!
Joyeux Noël!

well... this is a all I can do by memory for now lol

*just took a break from the Christmas dinner at home. The thing is that this time we are doing it outside cause my parents wanted a barbecue, but it is soooo cold!!!
Anyway, tomorrow will write a bit more. Hope you all are having a good time!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Can someone predict their own failure and yet do nothing about it?
Well, I guess this is my case now. The semester is coming to its end and I see some failure in me. Even then, that doesn't bother me that much because I can also see some victory. The fact that I have already decided on what I really want to do and that I'm now having a chance to experience it makes me happy. Actually it even makes me want to do nothing about the 'failure' I'm facing right now.
It's sad, I know... but I can see some more victories coming as well. I just hope and pray that God keeps His blessings upon me and keeps me close to Him so that all those victories that may come are used for his service and glory.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mission Trip pictures.... finally! lol

The shirt we got for that mission trip

Preparing the soy milk for breakfast

The group I worked with on Friday morning

Lunch time! The best of all!!!!!

Sabbath School program

One of the three different groups that went to 3 different churches during the morning
Can you find me?!

@ the church we went to in the afternoon

Sunday morning -just before we started working again

my turn to see others working lol

cleaning before the painting comes

some of the MG club members painting



Thursday, November 22, 2007

few more weeks!

yeah!! school is almost over!!! and that makes me HAPPY! 20 more days and I will be out of school for this year!!!
Actually that's good and bad... cause I've been procrastinating a lot (like most of the college students around the world lol) and so now I'm so stressed out with all the assignments that I need to finish. Adding to that, the English classes I'm teaching (thank God everything is going great with those classes).

Talking about other things that are not school.... last weekend was great!!! I went to Houston with my family to visit an uncle. It was sooooo relaxing and it was like the mid semester vacation I was looking for and couldn't see coming at all. I have some pictures but they are kinda bad cause we don't have a camera, so we took it with my brother's phone.
And this next weekend... I'm going camping!!

ok that's it for today... now pics from the day we went to the NASA-->
my dad and Vico at the back, then my mom (pink), me and claudia (my uncle's gf)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

missing the asian accent

*currently posting from my workplace - the language institute.
I came to the Language Institute really early today to prepare my classes and I met this guy from the Philippines. He's cturrently living in Mexico and he's married to an American lady. While talking to him I found out that he was working at the Adventist school in Thailand (Sarauri) while I was there and so we started talking about Thailand and some places there. It was nice talking to this person, specially to listen to his accent. I really miss the Asian accent. The only thing close to the Asian accent I can get here is when I talk to the Philippino teacher or his wife here, but I rarely see them. Talking to these people made me miss Thailand a lot!!!!!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Back from the mission trip

Hey beautiful people, I'm back. Well, I actually came on sunday evening, but couldn't find the time to get online.

Well, the whole mission trip thing was great. It was really short though (friday to sunday) but we could really see a difference in the school
(it was an adventist elementary school) after we finished on sunday. We painted the whole school, fixed/cleaned the classrooms, did some gardenin and collected some clothes and things for the people in southern Mexico that are struggling for the flood.

I enjoyed it a lot because I didn't know a lot of people in the MG club before going to the trip, but it helped me to get to know more people and find out that there are great people I didn't know before.

The bad part of it... I got sick (cold) because I didn't sleep enough. Well that's what I think, but who knows... maybe I'm just weak and so that's why I get sick really easy. But what I really know is that I hate having a cold. Specially when I need to go and teach, my voice is just terribly bad. But oh well... will get better soon. And I guess the water will help a lot cause I'm trying to drink more than 3 lts per day.

ok, I don't have the pics yet, but when I get them will upload them ok... cause I know there are tons of them.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

@ the church

*Click on the pics to enlarge them

Can you find me?!

Dad, Mom and me ;)

Pictures taken from the school website (PULSO). It was during the week of prayer I think.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

WTH!!!! it's been a while since I last opened my gmail account (maybe like a week or so....) and today that I finally got online and opened it..... 38 new e-mails!!!! so lazy to check them all!! of course, lots of them are like news or updates or things like that from other websites.
These weeks haven been so terrible for me... no time lah!! no time for internet :(

ok... updates:
- Week of prayer last week. It was great!!! the title was "Jesus is the difference".
- TKT module II. Last friday I went to town with a classmate to be in some sort of training course for English Teachers. Actually we didn't know exactly what was all about, but we saw the invitation paper at our teacher's desk and so we decided to go. In the end we just loved it so much, and I wish I could have had the money to get some books they had there. Specially the ones that prepares you for the Cambridge First Certificate Exam (which I want to pass by the time I'm done with college). But anyway, can get them later lah.
- Next weekend I'm going for a short mission trip with the Master Guide club to a city that is 4 hours from here (that's what I was told, hope it doesn't take longer lol). Don't have a camera but will try to borrow one lol, or whatever, but for sure pics will be up in here next week.
- Yesterday was Sondang's birthday (Oct 29) and I'm such a bad friend lol cause I didn't send her anything yesterday (no e-mail, no comments on hi5, or friendster). Sondang, if you happen to read this, Happy Birthday!!!! Remembere, there's power on 29!!!!!!
- 5 more weeks and this semester is gone!!! oh yeah!!!!! I need a break!!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sunday in town

As you can see/read from my previous posts, mostly all the nice things happen during the weekends lol
This time I went to town (Monterrey) with the spanish students and the teachers of the language institute where I'm working. We had a great time, though we walked A LOOOOT and it was kinda hot.

*Click on the pics to enlarge them

algun tipo de exposicion o algo asi

pintura con gis
Some sort of art gallery at the main 'Plaza'

view of the City Hall

en el obispado
From left to right, Johana (english teacher from Colombia), me, Ptr. Ferdinand Regalado (a faculty at the Theology Department from the Philippines), Yommi and Marcer (French teacher from DRC).

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Last weekend

I had a "great" weekend that could have been even better but an unexpected stomachache tried to ruin everything.
Last weekend was for spiritual retreats at the university, so on Saturday I went with the engineering department (as expected). It was all going great during the morning until a stupid stomachache came to me. First I thought it was because I was hungry, but then after I ate, I started to feel even worse. So I decided to ask my mom to take me back home so I could rest.
O Yeah!!!!!!!!
I slept the whole afternoon!!!
and it was great (though I missed half of the activities at the retreat). But oh well, when I woke up my stomachache was gone -maybe I ate something that shouldn't be eaten by me that morning-
Then that night I decided to stay @ home (just in case the stomachache wanted to come back again) and miss Vico's basketball game, but it was nice 'casue I got to 'skype' with Aaron. I wish he would had a better connection though, cause it was cutting a lot. But anyway, at least I got to talk to him and I laughed a lot!
Then, on saturday..... well, I can summarize that day in one word: homework.
@ the library
@ the library

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pics from Sunday

I'm a counselor now of a Master Guide class, and this pics was taken the past sunday after the first activity with the MG club.
Luckily my jeans are clean now, but I had to wash them 3 or 4 times.
In the afternoon I went to the pool with the students and teachers of the Engineering Department. We had a great time, but at the end of the day I was SOOOOO TIRED!!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Pics with Sara!

Trying to make Vico smile, but I guess I didn't succeed :(

A little blur but I still like this pic.
And yeah, you can laugh at my baby teeth if you want lol

Thursday, August 30, 2007

New template?!

I feel like changing the template!! but still haven't decided yet which one, cause the ones in blogger are soooooooo "normal" and boring. I want something different!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Hello beautiful people!

It's been a while and school has started already on this side. It's the second week -I think- and already feeling like it's been sooooo long!! 'cause I have so many things to do. Also want to tell you that I got a new job (I know I've been saying this to some of you) as an English teacher. I have two classes per day -Basic English-. In one I have five students around the 12 years old, and in the other one I have 7 students, all adults. So there is a biiiiiiiiiig difference in both classes, cause the "kids" take all my energy and with the adults, they just pay attention and is sooooo easy to give the class. The only bad thing about teaching this semester is that I can't take French classes 'cause one of my classes and the French class are at the same time :(

Changing the topic, I still can't upload the pics we took when Sara came, cause she hasn't sent them to me!!!!! :( so will have to wait. Or maybe you can check her blog to see if there's any updates on her side.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Not bad after all ;-)

with Sara @ Mission College
Originally uploaded by <SeNdY>
I was starting to say that this summer was terrible, and actually I do have a point on that. It has been kinda boring and my work wasn't that nice after all. I've been counting the days when I will get out of work (which shouldn't be the case) and to make it worse, today I found out that I have to go until the 15th of August. I tought this was my last week at work :(

Ok, this is not the whole point of this entry... Today I opened my e-mail account and saw this new e-mail from Sara. Then I read the title and couldn't believe it. She's coming!! When I finished reading, I went to my brother's room and told him about what I just read. I'm still excited cause I will get to see her soon! So sad Shannon can't come (she was planning to come also), but happy cause will see Sarita!

Well, this is all for now... will try to upload some pics (though I don't have a camera now) and keep blogging often. Not a promise but will try my best lol

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

By Heart, by Soul

If you were a road I'd learn every turn til I could find my way with my eyes closed
If you were a song I'd sing along til I knew every word and every note

But you were everything to me, a mystery
Your the Love I live to see

By heart, by soul, thats how I want to know you and keep you as close as breath is to life
Wanna watch Your Love unfold by heart, by soul

If you were a place I'd stay my whole life til I had every corner memorized
And if you were a star I'f follow You home, You would be the Light that is my only guide

You were everything to me, my A to Z
Your the Love thats lives in me

I wanna know You inside and out better than I even know myself

If You were a star I'd follow You home by heart, by soul

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Plans and Realities

We think ahead and carefully work out a plan. We picture in our minds with great detail how our future is going to unfold. But things don’t go as planned. Some doors close, while others open. If this happens to you, it may be that God has something completely different in mind.

It’s good to plan and dream and think ahead. But we must always be open to God-appointed changes in direction. “A man’s heart plans his way,” Solomon wrote, “but the Lord directs his steps” (Prov. 16:9).

God will never mislead us. When we trust Him with all our heart, He will direct our paths (Prov. 3:5-6). His way is always best. —David C.Egner (Our Daily Bread)

Where God’s finger points, His hand will make the way.

Hope you all enjoyed reading.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

My b'day gift from Aaron

My exact age now is:
19 years, 0 months, 0 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, 27 minutes and 0 seconds.

That is equal to:
600,128,820 seconds
10,002,147 minutes
166,702.45 hours
6,945.94 days
992.28 weeks
228.20 months
19.02 (Earth) years
78.93 Mercurian years
10.11 Marsian Years
1.60 Jovian years
0.65 Saturnian years
0.12 Neptunian years

So considering my age in Saturn/Neptune I'm still a baby! lol

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Another year to...

laugh cry enjoy get frustrated smile eat teach learn play read listen talk study love help fall stand live sing have fun pray
...and lots of other things. I thank God for letting me enjoy another year (19 now).

Monday, May 14, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Playing with the colors

Friday, May 04, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007

Mission Trip (Puerto Vallarta)

Silent Drama performing during AY

My brother and some friends. (I know... the only good looking guy there is the one wearing black... fo course!! lol)

With my brother in Guadalajara

lunch time in Guadalajara