
Friday, August 10, 2007

Not bad after all ;-)

with Sara @ Mission College
Originally uploaded by <SeNdY>
I was starting to say that this summer was terrible, and actually I do have a point on that. It has been kinda boring and my work wasn't that nice after all. I've been counting the days when I will get out of work (which shouldn't be the case) and to make it worse, today I found out that I have to go until the 15th of August. I tought this was my last week at work :(

Ok, this is not the whole point of this entry... Today I opened my e-mail account and saw this new e-mail from Sara. Then I read the title and couldn't believe it. She's coming!! When I finished reading, I went to my brother's room and told him about what I just read. I'm still excited cause I will get to see her soon! So sad Shannon can't come (she was planning to come also), but happy cause will see Sarita!

Well, this is all for now... will try to upload some pics (though I don't have a camera now) and keep blogging often. Not a promise but will try my best lol

1 comment:

Dael said...

Hola chica bonita! (The one and only.)

So nice to hear that Sara's coming to visit you. I'm so jealous; I wish I could do the same thing!

Say hi to her for me, won't ya?