
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

WTH!!!! it's been a while since I last opened my gmail account (maybe like a week or so....) and today that I finally got online and opened it..... 38 new e-mails!!!! so lazy to check them all!! of course, lots of them are like news or updates or things like that from other websites.
These weeks haven been so terrible for me... no time lah!! no time for internet :(

ok... updates:
- Week of prayer last week. It was great!!! the title was "Jesus is the difference".
- TKT module II. Last friday I went to town with a classmate to be in some sort of training course for English Teachers. Actually we didn't know exactly what was all about, but we saw the invitation paper at our teacher's desk and so we decided to go. In the end we just loved it so much, and I wish I could have had the money to get some books they had there. Specially the ones that prepares you for the Cambridge First Certificate Exam (which I want to pass by the time I'm done with college). But anyway, can get them later lah.
- Next weekend I'm going for a short mission trip with the Master Guide club to a city that is 4 hours from here (that's what I was told, hope it doesn't take longer lol). Don't have a camera but will try to borrow one lol, or whatever, but for sure pics will be up in here next week.
- Yesterday was Sondang's birthday (Oct 29) and I'm such a bad friend lol cause I didn't send her anything yesterday (no e-mail, no comments on hi5, or friendster). Sondang, if you happen to read this, Happy Birthday!!!! Remembere, there's power on 29!!!!!!
- 5 more weeks and this semester is gone!!! oh yeah!!!!! I need a break!!!!

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