
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Last weekend

I had a "great" weekend that could have been even better but an unexpected stomachache tried to ruin everything.
Last weekend was for spiritual retreats at the university, so on Saturday I went with the engineering department (as expected). It was all going great during the morning until a stupid stomachache came to me. First I thought it was because I was hungry, but then after I ate, I started to feel even worse. So I decided to ask my mom to take me back home so I could rest.
O Yeah!!!!!!!!
I slept the whole afternoon!!!
and it was great (though I missed half of the activities at the retreat). But oh well, when I woke up my stomachache was gone -maybe I ate something that shouldn't be eaten by me that morning-
Then that night I decided to stay @ home (just in case the stomachache wanted to come back again) and miss Vico's basketball game, but it was nice 'casue I got to 'skype' with Aaron. I wish he would had a better connection though, cause it was cutting a lot. But anyway, at least I got to talk to him and I laughed a lot!
Then, on saturday..... well, I can summarize that day in one word: homework.
@ the library
@ the library

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