
Monday, October 29, 2012

Curly hair experiment

So I am starting an experiment with my curly hair. I am sick of it right now. It's not that curly anymore, it's getting unhealthy and I sooooo want my curls back. 
I saw this blog post and I decided to do the same. It's a 6 week experiment. I don't have the famous curly hair book, but I'll give it a try by following the  suggestions from the blog. I don't have (yet) the proper conditioner (without curly-hair-killing ingredients), but I will start anyway.

I won't explain how the method works, it has been greatly explained here.

My aim is Sofia Milos' curls! They are SO PRETTY! And to think that my hair once looked like that. Oh, Brazilian water did amazing things with my curls, but they are now all gone :(

Sofia Milos

My hair does not look like that AT ALL right now. This is how it looks before the 6 weeks.

I'll trim my hair and that's the beginning of the experiment. I hope it works out :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Le cranque (Jaques Prevert)

Il dit non avec la têt
Mas il dit oui avec le cœur
Il dit oui à ce qu'il aime
Il dit non au professeur

Il est debout
On le questionne
Et tout les problèmes sont posés

Soudain le fou rire le prend
Et il efface tout

Les chiffres et les mots
Les dates et les noms
Les phrases et les pièges

Et malgré les menances du maître
Sous les huées des enfanta prodiges
Avec des craies de touts les couleurs
Sur le tableau noir malheur
Il dessine le visage du bonheur.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Major updates

Ok, so here I am, updating this blog once again. It had been a very long time (more than a year), but I will summarize it in a few pictures. From my time working in Montemorelos, I don't have any pictures (maybe because it was all the same routine!).

First of all, a little bit of my second trip to Brazil, this time to the state of Sao Paulo for a month.
I went back to Brazil in January 2010. This was a short visit to UNASP.
With my TESL trainers from England/Australia.
One of the lectures at the Music Festival @ UNASP.
And I had a chance to visit the Jewish-Adventist church in Campinas, SP.
Great church!
And I could not miss it, the Livraria Cultura in Sao Paulo.
I wanted to stay there the whole day!!
Back in Mexico, I retook my French lessons, this time at the Alianza Francesa Monterrey. I had great lessons and great teachers. And I also got the chance to pass the first DELF test. I still have a long way to go in French, but I'm happy I'm on the right track!

I went to a lecture given by Jack C. Richards, from Cambridge University Press. I even got him to sign a book for me!

Monday, May 07, 2012

A year later...

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Changing the title (again)

I'm posting the old blog's title and description, just for the record.

Brazil Mission and more...
This time I write from Northeast Brazil. Here you will read about blessings and challenges of being a Missionary for Christ, as well as other adventures in Brazil.

This was the background picture of the previous blog title.
Picture taken by me, in Pernambuco, Brazil.