
Monday, September 28, 2009

getting sick :(

I hate the pre-symptoms of flu because I know I'll get a flu but it's not totally a flu yet. But I hate flu even more because I cannot sleep well and I cannot stop sneezing. Today I started sneezing and coughing, and to make it even worse, I got a terrible headache that started during my 11am class. The afternoon was terrible, and even though I tried to concentrate while reading, it was really hard. I managed to read most of the material for my presentation but I kept on sneezing and coughing, so Duc brought me some Vitamin C and Paracetamol.Then, before worship, he also brought me some porridge and said that it should make me feel better, so I ate it. It was really good and hot, and I sort of felt a little better but tight now, after a couple of hours, I feel bad again. I just hope I can sleep well!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

yumy yumy!

I had totally forgotten aunty Sarapee Hamra's delicious banana bread mini cupcakes. Last Friday after vespers, I ate some, and re-fell in love with them. I even took some to my room, but by Monday they were all gone (I did not eat them all by myself ok lol).

Today I was passing by her office and thought I could just ask her if she has more in her office, because I knew she had made them for a meeting/conference. She said she did not have more in the office but if I wanted some, I could go to her house to get more. I was kind of shy, but at the same time happy that I was going to get more. Then after lunch she brought them to her office and gave them to me! now
I'm in the library, and since I'm kind of falling asleep, I decided I was going to mouse (just to stay awake!).

I love these banana bread mini cupcakes!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mexican food in Thailand

Yaniris and I have been writing our Thai Adventures and it also includes Cooking Adventures. So far we have cooked Mexican food twice (the third one will be next Sunday!). I had the marvelous idea of bringing tortillas all the way from Mexico, and we enjoyed them the very first week we were here. We have written about this in our mini series so I will focus on the food.

Our first meal was Enchiladas, which is basically fried corn tortillas soaked in tomato sauce (you can fill them with whatever you want to, this time we decided to put chicken). Then you pour hot tomato sauce and spread grated cheese on top of the ENCHILADAS (if you do it while they are hot, the cheese will melt and it will be even more delicious). Since we thought that the enchiladas were not going to be enough, we also cooked rice (western style: with salt and some other seasonings hehe), vegetables, potatoes and pico de gallo (chopped tomatoes, onions and cilantro). And guess what... it ended up being a lot of food and we even got to eat it again the next day!

Our second meal was TACOS but this time a Thai friend, Boon, brought tortillas from Bangkok. We cooked chicken, potatoes and tried to make the Pico de Gallo, but we forgot to buy cilantro, so it ended up in salsa only (tomtoes and onions).

I cannot believe that it has been only 4 weeks and we have cooked twice. I say that because it is usually hard to get the ingredients, but I guess my cooking mood has helped as well. The last time I was here I did not cook any mexican food at all, but I think I have done more cooking because now I enjoy it more than before. It is especially gratifying to cook for friends who ask for Mexican food because they love it. And even if it is not mexican food, I think I enjoy cooking!
Next dish is going to be Molletes!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

*Another question in my English for Tourism class.

What was the happiest moment of your life?
One of the happiest moments in my life was when, after 3 months of treatment, we discovered that my mom did not have cancer anymore. In 2003
she went through chemotherapy and one day during the 3rd month of treatment my dad told me to go see my mom because she wanted to talk to me. somehow I knew what she was going to tell me because I had confidence in God that He was going to heal my mom. And now every time I think of it, I can't stop praising the Lord and thanking Him for that gift and for the opportunity of having my mom with us now.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Questions to think about

Mrs. Nebres always starts the class (English for Tourism) reading a question and then we all give our answer to it. I'll try to post some of the questions and my answers here. This question was from yesterday (01/Sep/09).

What’s the greatest accomplishment in your life so far?

There are two great accomplishments that I can think of right now. The ‘new’ (it’s been a process actually) attitude that helps me look at things from the positive side and that helps me find new adventures, even if they come from small simple pleasures. The second and more recent accomplishment (it’s been a process too) is that I’ve managed to face *some* of my fears and try new experiences. Things as simple as eating Thai food or writing an article for Newsbyte are part of that process of doing things I would normally say ‘no! I won’t do it’.

Driving around Muak Lek with Aaron and Yanis. Simple adventures that bring joy to our life.