
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just because you're lazy?

I tend to underline and write notes on the books I read (when mine lol). While I was reading My Sister's Keeper a while ago, I found this interesting part that made me think a lot. Is it really true what it says there? I mean, I know it's a novel and all that, but could it be true? Can we be like that? Something to think about hehe.

The problem, you know, is that you never forget your firts one. And even if your brain's smart about it, your body's got the IQ of a fruit fly.
It's just so easy with him. It's like we're picking up where we left off. I already know everything I need to about him and he already knows everything he needs to about me.
Can you fall for someone because you're lazy?

*Conversation between Julia and her sister Iz, on page 332 of My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I want...

I want a gerbera daisy flower!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What's the point?

What's the chat for if you are not online?
What's the e-mail for if you don't send me one?
What's the cell phone for if you don't have credit to call me?
What's a movie for if you don't have time to watch one?
What's spare time for if I cannot spend it with you?

Monday, March 02, 2009

Spiritual Retreat 2009

Last weekend I went with the Faculty of Education and Psychology to the spiritual retreat. We had lots of fun! and the place was really nice!!! It was at a biopark near the campus, where we stayed for 2 days (Saturday and Sunday).

Here are some pictures...

This is the park's camping area.

The colorful lil cabins where we stayed.

Sabbath School

Special music

With some of my classmates ;)

Night safari

Our car got stuck at the night safari and their car had to help us.

With Sohorin and Lee-C (sunday morning)

With Lee-C, Sohorin and Ornella

My team during the sunday morning rally

Group picture