
Monday, September 29, 2008

Spiritual Retreat

On Saturday I went with the engineering departmet to their spiritual retreat. I didn't go with the education department 'cause it is usually boring lol. We had a great time, though we took longer than expected to get to the place. We got kinda lost on our way there -more like took the wrong way- but in the end it was worth it 'cause the place was really nice. Here are some pics and you can always go to my flickr to see the rest. Leave your comments please!

The cabin
That's the cabin where they stayed. I couldn't stay 'cause I went back at around 11pm.

with Cecy and Melissa
With my brother's gf (in blue) and Melissa (a friend from elementary school)

mom and I
My mom and I
Without mosquito repellent I don't know how my arms would have been by now... all itchy I guess

Most of the teachers at the engineering department have lil kids... and it's always lots fun to play with them when we go out. This lil girl is Karla and she's really shy... but cute!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


If you wanna give me a gift... this would be a cool one►the Gorillapod

*Thanks to Fifi for sharing this with me :)

got a camera!!!

Guess what... finally got a camera again! It's a Panasonic-Lumix (the grey one)... not like the cool one I had before :( but at least I have one hehe

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Every Sabbath we have English Sabbath School here at the uni and it's a blessing. It's not only that we get together for the lesson study, but for the whole program. After the divine service, we go to a different building to have our own sabbath school.
I like it a lot because I can go there and not just sit and do nothing like if I was at the university church. I feel like there's real worship. Song service is awesome!!! and the lesson study it's great as well. If you happen to visit us here in Mexico, think of staying a sabbath as well... you will enjoy it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

What a book!

Last month I saw a post in Julie's blog that was about the book
It looked interesting so I read the plot summary. Immediately I said to myself "I wanna read this book!!!"
Then a couple of weeks later I found myself in a bookstore with the book in front of me! I saw the price and it wasnt't that expensive... I had to buy it! No second thought!!!
I haven't finished it yet, but I keep on reading and reading... sometimes I just can't stop reading!! I've been tempted to read the last chapter of the book, but I'm not gonna ruin it all hehe