
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

@ the church

*Click on the pics to enlarge them

Can you find me?!

Dad, Mom and me ;)

Pictures taken from the school website (PULSO). It was during the week of prayer I think.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

WTH!!!! it's been a while since I last opened my gmail account (maybe like a week or so....) and today that I finally got online and opened it..... 38 new e-mails!!!! so lazy to check them all!! of course, lots of them are like news or updates or things like that from other websites.
These weeks haven been so terrible for me... no time lah!! no time for internet :(

ok... updates:
- Week of prayer last week. It was great!!! the title was "Jesus is the difference".
- TKT module II. Last friday I went to town with a classmate to be in some sort of training course for English Teachers. Actually we didn't know exactly what was all about, but we saw the invitation paper at our teacher's desk and so we decided to go. In the end we just loved it so much, and I wish I could have had the money to get some books they had there. Specially the ones that prepares you for the Cambridge First Certificate Exam (which I want to pass by the time I'm done with college). But anyway, can get them later lah.
- Next weekend I'm going for a short mission trip with the Master Guide club to a city that is 4 hours from here (that's what I was told, hope it doesn't take longer lol). Don't have a camera but will try to borrow one lol, or whatever, but for sure pics will be up in here next week.
- Yesterday was Sondang's birthday (Oct 29) and I'm such a bad friend lol cause I didn't send her anything yesterday (no e-mail, no comments on hi5, or friendster). Sondang, if you happen to read this, Happy Birthday!!!! Remembere, there's power on 29!!!!!!
- 5 more weeks and this semester is gone!!! oh yeah!!!!! I need a break!!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sunday in town

As you can see/read from my previous posts, mostly all the nice things happen during the weekends lol
This time I went to town (Monterrey) with the spanish students and the teachers of the language institute where I'm working. We had a great time, though we walked A LOOOOT and it was kinda hot.

*Click on the pics to enlarge them

algun tipo de exposicion o algo asi

pintura con gis
Some sort of art gallery at the main 'Plaza'

view of the City Hall

en el obispado
From left to right, Johana (english teacher from Colombia), me, Ptr. Ferdinand Regalado (a faculty at the Theology Department from the Philippines), Yommi and Marcer (French teacher from DRC).

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Last weekend

I had a "great" weekend that could have been even better but an unexpected stomachache tried to ruin everything.
Last weekend was for spiritual retreats at the university, so on Saturday I went with the engineering department (as expected). It was all going great during the morning until a stupid stomachache came to me. First I thought it was because I was hungry, but then after I ate, I started to feel even worse. So I decided to ask my mom to take me back home so I could rest.
O Yeah!!!!!!!!
I slept the whole afternoon!!!
and it was great (though I missed half of the activities at the retreat). But oh well, when I woke up my stomachache was gone -maybe I ate something that shouldn't be eaten by me that morning-
Then that night I decided to stay @ home (just in case the stomachache wanted to come back again) and miss Vico's basketball game, but it was nice 'casue I got to 'skype' with Aaron. I wish he would had a better connection though, cause it was cutting a lot. But anyway, at least I got to talk to him and I laughed a lot!
Then, on saturday..... well, I can summarize that day in one word: homework.
@ the library
@ the library