
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Questions to think about

Mrs. Nebres always starts the class (English for Tourism) reading a question and then we all give our answer to it. I'll try to post some of the questions and my answers here. This question was from yesterday (01/Sep/09).

What’s the greatest accomplishment in your life so far?

There are two great accomplishments that I can think of right now. The ‘new’ (it’s been a process actually) attitude that helps me look at things from the positive side and that helps me find new adventures, even if they come from small simple pleasures. The second and more recent accomplishment (it’s been a process too) is that I’ve managed to face *some* of my fears and try new experiences. Things as simple as eating Thai food or writing an article for Newsbyte are part of that process of doing things I would normally say ‘no! I won’t do it’.

Driving around Muak Lek with Aaron and Yanis. Simple adventures that bring joy to our life.


Vivian said...

Hi Sendy I really agree with you on this one. Adventures will be thing we look back on when we're old, and something good always comes out of any experience. Did you really get to write in Newsbyte? That's great..see I knew the skill as an ex MC yearbook officer would be useful someday. =P

Btw, those bike rides...GOSH I miss them. They always mess up my hair but the feeling out of it is just "aaaaaahhhh..." all the time.

Tc, ttyl!

Jules said...

She's teaching English for Tourism? Dorothy taught us during our time. I've always enjoyed Mrs. Nebres' classes, hope you're having a great time in Thailand! :D

Sendy Monarrez said...

Fifi > I guess my lil writing will come out in this friday's Newsbyte. I am doing english major courses so i guess i should be more familiarized with writing right? so it was about time to start writing, at least something small. and oh yeah, MC yearbook officer has something to do with this too hehe

Julie > I enjoye Mrs. Nebres' classes too! and she loves traveling, so that helps when it comes to talk about tourism hehe.

Deanna Beryl said...

Heya Sendy!

I like what you shared in this blog.

1. Like you, I'm so big on the idea of having fun from the simplest pleasures of life...this is something I' yet to convince some city students we have on campus. I'm glad you're open to this. AWESOME!

2. It takes a lot of courage to face your fears. SERIOUSLY. I'm really glad that instead of no, you decided to plunge in and said YES to Newsbyte. And it was a greeeat write-up! :) Thanks so much for your contribution. :)

I pray that you and your friends will continue enjoying your time and have your awesome Thai adventures ! :)

Sendy Monarrez said...

Thanks Dea!
There are tons of more things to share and enjoy! those city kids...maaaan they don't know what they are missing by not being open to new simple things hehehe
Have a great week ;) and thanks for playing the piano on Sabbath ;)