
Saturday, November 28, 2009


“We make our own decisions, but the Lord alone determines what happens.”

(Proverbs 16:33)

“We may make a lot of plans, but the Lord will do what he has decided.”

(Proverbs 19:21)

I thought that I had come here to study, travel around and have lots of fun, but instead, God’s purpose for me being here was completely different. My expectations and plans for this semester were many, but now that I look at them again I think they were vague. Basically every big plan I would make would just disappear. That made me feel very depressed, but it was then when I realized what God was trying to teach me. He was trying to tell me that life for me has a different meaning and a different purpose. Here I’ve learned to depend on God and to let Him guide me. I might want to make my own plans but He is the One who in the end determines my future.

Dear Lord, I surrender all my life to you. Thank you for your love and for making me realize that life without your guidance has no purpose at all.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Sometimes... even the best of us get stressed out.
Sometimes... we could all use a break.
Sometimes... laughter can solve the problem.
Sometimes... a light heart can save the day.
Sometimes... a carefree attitude can free the soul.
Sometimes... a smile can warm the coldest of hearts.
Sometimes... the right words can change the situation.
Sometimes... it's just not enough...
Sometimes... there's nothing you can do.
Sometimes... you just have to pray.

This little list of sometimes made me remember that when we are stressed out, there are things we can do that will help. However, in the end God is the one who will help us to go through our tough times.

*taken from a message from the SDA Sabbath School Lesson Forum on facebook.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A messy desktop

When my desktop is messy (look a the pic) it means I'm stressed out! Right now, there are like tooooons of things to finish, and I just realized that mostly I get stressed out because I usually try to do many things at the same time. So yeah, right now I'm on the trying-to-survive-the-last-few-weeks-of-school stage lol.

On a totally different topic, I have decided (again!) to start from scratch. I've tried it a couple of times but it seems like it hasn't worked yet. We will see if this time works out. I'm more willing to make it happen this time though. The first part is done > erase all evidence and be positive about it. The hardest parts are to come, but one step at a time will help me overcome this.

About my Thai Adventures... well, there are still many things adding to the list of adventures every week, but it's just that I haven't had (or made) time to write them down. But that does not mean I'm not enjoying my time here, and making an adventure out of everything and anything.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Do not be discouraged

"Don't say you're too young... I promise to be with you and keep you safe, so don't be afraid."
"I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I'm the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go."

Sometimes we feel like we have done our bet and yet other people say it was not good. When someone tells you that it was not a good job, or when you expect someone to be happy with what you did and they simply do not appreciate it, you can easily feel discouraged or inferior.

Today I felt that way. I had done my best and I thought it was a good job, but then I was told I had to do it again. That really made me feel inferior, and I was afraid of having to do my work all over again, this time with more pressure on me and higher expectations. Then I open my Bible and read that God told Jeremiah not to be afraid. Immediately after that comes the story of Joshua to my mind. God told him not to be afraid or discouraged. These two Bible character, Jeremiah and Joshua, were young people just like me, facing situations that most probably made them feel inferior and afraid, and yet the Lord told them He was going to be with them.

Now I know the Lord is telling me the same thing. He is with me and He will help me wherever I go and whatever situation I encounter.

If you feel the same way, if someone has made you feel inferior, or if you think you cannot do it, just remember what the Lord says:

"Do not be afraid or discouraged." "I promise to be with you and keep you safe."