
Saturday, December 27, 2008


One of my cousins got it and it was still alive when he gave it to me. A couple of hours later it died or i think it died LOL cause it wasn't moving anymore... and now►it stinks!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I wish you all a great time, many blessings and lots of love. May you stay close to God and enjoy His presence in your life.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

23°13′N 106°25′W / 23.217, -106.417

Today is the second day in Mazatlan and I'm having quiet a good time. We went to church and my dad was invited to give the Sabbath School lesson. Since the mission stories this quartet come from Asia and there was no story today, my dad asked me to say something... I was like, what am I going to say?
So there I was giving a mission story... What did I say? Luckily enough, I had read Toshi's story a couple of weeks ago and I just complemented it with what I know he's doing now... so that was my mission story hehe. I kinda feel good cause I had a chance to do something for Sabbath School today.
I wish I had brought my Viola though, but my mom said there was no space in the car and I couldn't take it with me on the plane either :( I always say "I'll bring my viola next time" LOL

My dad giving the Sabbath School lesson.

Left to right: My mom, my aunt, my grandma and another aunt.

With one of my aunts after church.

*Haven't gone to the beach yet :(

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Finally on vacaction

In 7 hours I'll be heading to the beach! oh yeah!!!!

Won't be suffering from the cold at least for 3 weeks (wish could be more).

Thursday, December 11, 2008

FINAL EXAMS are on the way!!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A boring person?

Today I was palying GeoChallenge on facebook and chatting with  Fifi while in class (ups! hehe), and one of my classmates told me, "You never have fun right?" OMG!! Does that mean I am a boring person or what?!?! So I asked her why she thinks that, and she said that she thinks I am always busy 'cause I wake up really early to do homework and then I go to the library and I work all that... I was like, COME ON!!! I DO have fun!! I mean... I go to library to hang out with friends as well hehe ;) it's a good place to see people hehe ;) and the cute guy MUAHAHA

anyway.... that was a funny question.... but I still think I do have fun.

Monday, December 01, 2008

A bit of everything

Today I opened Google Reader and found that I had 59 unread posts. OMG!!! I hadn't had time to read blogs.... but I guess am just taking a bit of that time to update mine and read some blogs.

Last week there was an IT Symposium, or something l ike that LOL, organized by the senior students (including my brother) from the Engineering department. You may wonder why am I writing about this if I'm not part of that department anymore... Well, among the special guests/speakers, they invited Michael A. Comberiate (aka NASA Mike), who is a scientist that works at NASA.

with Mike, Vico and Cecy

And here are some pics taken during the past 2 weeks.

Practicing with the Brass Ensemble and the Chamber Choir (church)

Playing with the String Quintet (auditorium)

L-R: Erika, Rosy, Sendy, Mrs. Kelda, Yaniris and Rosalba (English Education major, junior year)

We like drinking "coffee" when it gets really cold ;)

In Room 110 you find the vegie coffee lovers

Just being silly... and that's our new uniform ;) so much better than the ugly green one.

Book Game

Following Shimona, Lerie, Sondang, Deanna... and dunno who else, I'm gonna do this BOOK GAME.

*Initiated by Mr Brown.


  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
  • Turn to page 57.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note to your wall, and post your sentence in a comment here as well. Include the title of book and author.
My book:

“Most studies have focused exclusively on infant's attachments with their mothers, but Main and Weston (1981) included an extra session of this test to assess infant's attachments to their fathers.” - Social Development by David G. Perry and Kay Bussey.

*It's about social development because I'm writing my final paper for my Developmental Psychology class :S