
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Thanks for...

There are lots of reasons why I should say thanks to God, and so here are few of them:
- Thakns for God's love.
- Thanks for my parents that care so much about me.
- Thanks for my mom, that is a great example for me.
- Thanks for my dad, he is one of my heroes.
- Thanks for my brother... yeah, sometimes I complain about things I don't like about my brother, but I still can say thanks about having a brother.
- Thanks for my great friends that are here and far away. Love you all. Thank you guys for accepting me the way I am.
- Is great to know how to write and read. There are just lots of people that can't.
- Thanks for being able to speak english (don't care if I have that latino and spanish. I know that can be really helpful and also I wanna use it to help others ;)
- Thanks for the change I have to study.
- Thanks for my eyes. Thanks for being able to see God's creation.
- Thanks for my voice. I like to sing, and I wanna use it to praise God.
- Thanks for being able to play violin. I should say thanks to my mom also... because she's the one that put me into this.
- Thanks for the freedom to go to church every saturday. There are to many people that can't go just like that to church.
- Thanks for being able to drive.
- Thanks for letting me see the colors as they are.

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