
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Aujourd'hui Je commençai mon classe de français. J'aime beaucoup mon class parce que mon professeur ne parle pas espagnol dans la classe.

ok... this is all I can do for now in French lol.....
Mabe I will try again later hehe

Today, after all was a good day. Started my job and it's great! I'm going to be designing some online courses to put them on the school website. My classes... well... nothing much until now.

bye ;)

Que dia...

Chequen mi forma de empezar el dia, y peor aun, primer dia de clases jejeje

7:00 am Me levanto y veo la hora en mi celular. Oh noooo!! 15 mins. y debo estar en clases!!!
7:35 am Llego a la escuela. Voy al salon donde segun yo tenia clase. Lo peor ► Estaba CERRADO!
7:38 am Veo el horario en el tablero y resulta que mi clase era hasta las 9:50 am.
7:40 am Me subo de nuevo al carro y me regreso a mi casa para desayunar.
Que desperdicio!!! me pude haber levantado un poco mas tarde..... ok, nimodo, asi son las cosas jeje Eso me pasa por haber perdido mi horario ayer...

aaaaa ese es otro punto ►Perder cosas! Acabo de comprar un bote de agua (solo vean una entrada mas abajo que dice 'A new Nalgene') y resulta que ya no lo encuentro!! Realmente soy un desastre con esto jejeje y yo que crei que ya me habia compuesto un poco.... pero por lo visto no tengo remedio alguno para este mal :(

ok... ya me voy porque me falta una clase mas ;)


Monday, January 29, 2007

The last one

Today is the last chance I give to myself before the semester starts (I really hope so... lol) to eat a candy, drink a soda, eat late during the day, skip breakfast, sleep late, wake up after 8:00 am, and some other things like that... cause I've decided that once in classes, all this is over hehe

will see what happens...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Thanks for...

There are lots of reasons why I should say thanks to God, and so here are few of them:
- Thakns for God's love.
- Thanks for my parents that care so much about me.
- Thanks for my mom, that is a great example for me.
- Thanks for my dad, he is one of my heroes.
- Thanks for my brother... yeah, sometimes I complain about things I don't like about my brother, but I still can say thanks about having a brother.
- Thanks for my great friends that are here and far away. Love you all. Thank you guys for accepting me the way I am.
- Is great to know how to write and read. There are just lots of people that can't.
- Thanks for being able to speak english (don't care if I have that latino and spanish. I know that can be really helpful and also I wanna use it to help others ;)
- Thanks for the change I have to study.
- Thanks for my eyes. Thanks for being able to see God's creation.
- Thanks for my voice. I like to sing, and I wanna use it to praise God.
- Thanks for being able to play violin. I should say thanks to my mom also... because she's the one that put me into this.
- Thanks for the freedom to go to church every saturday. There are to many people that can't go just like that to church.
- Thanks for being able to drive.
- Thanks for letting me see the colors as they are.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year Resolutions

A new year has arrived and everybody has new year resolutions. Well, I've decided not to have any. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but that's what I've decided. Now... my reasons... Well, maybe the only one... we all make our resolutions and then, after a month or so...we completely forget about them. And then, after 2 or 3 months, we are back into our 'normal life'...why to say months, sometimes even weeks and we forget anyway.
A new year is a good time to begin with 'new' projects or new things we wanna try or wanna do, and that's ok.... but as long as you keep them for a reasonable period of time, then that's good. So what I'm gonna do.... just keep thanking God about another year in my life and for the many blessings he has given to me.
So...whether you have your resolutions or not... try to be a better person, not just this year, but always ;)

New Year Celebration with the family

My parents
After dinner we played some sort of mimic game... (don't know the name)
my dad trying to explain some weird thing for the game lol
Vico's turn
SeNdY and Melissa....

We were playing 'young people vs old people' lol... (children vs parents)

Familia Monarrez ;-)With my brother...VICO!