
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006

Family pictures

With my dad ;)

I've heard that if you kiss a frog it becomes a Prince ;) lol

a new NALGENE!

I got a new 'nalgene'!! yeah...and is red as well as the old one I had... well.. I bought it to replace the one that SOMEBODY left on the van on the way to the airport in Bangkok (it wasn't me actually). It's not exactly the same brand, but that's what I found and is basically the same thing.... so here I am, hoping to go back to my old habit of drinking 3 'nalgenes' per day.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hey Sendy

Hey Sendy

To have you as my rara roommate
I feel extremely lucky
Because I know, it was not fate.

With you there's never a shortage of laughter
Having someone to talk to
Even as the day grows darker
We always have something to do.

Dark curls and tanned skin,
A latina who can't live without music
You explained to me the difference between viola and violin
In return I gave you a paracetamol when you were sick

I got to know your brother Victor,
Never seen anyone that big and tall,
Who came fo only one semester,
To study ESL.

Thank you for the great time in Phuket,
Especialy for recording that bungee
I hope I will never forget,
How the heck did I become so crazy?

There were times when we woke up late,
And nearly miss our 8 o'clock classes,
There were also times when we ate and ate,
In Dr. Chew's and other facutly houses.

Who's gonna be my roommate,
When you leave for Mexico?
The raros will be incomplete,
Because no one will ever replace you when you go.

With love,

Written by Vivian (fifi), my ex-roommate from Mission College, Thailand. That was the first time somebody gave me a poem, and it was so much fun to read it when I got if rom fifi!! thanks fifi! We had great times!!! you are so crazy and so much fun...and a great friend as well ;)

Monday, December 18, 2006

My X's

Put an X where it applies to you...

you are
[] short, 5'2 and under,and shrinking
[] 5'3 -5'7"
[x] 5'8" - 5'11
[] tall 6'0 and up

[] blonde
[] redhead
[] brunette
[] dirty blonde/brownish
[x] dark brown
[] black
[] orange
[] kind of both blond n red
[] kind of both brunette and black
[] kind of both brunette and red

[] blue-eyed
[] brown-eyed
[] green-eyed
[] hazel eyed
[x] dark eyed (dark brown)
[] gold/gray-eyed
[] silver/gray- eyed
[] blue/green-eyed
[] blue/gray-eyed
[] they change colors
[] brown-eyed ringed by hazel

[x] glasses...though I don't use them so often
[] contacts
[] neither
[] both


[] short hair
[] medium
[x] long hair...and curly ;-)

Of these your favorite color(s) are?

[] pink
[] yellow
[x] green

[x] red

[] neon green
[x] black

[x] blue

[] dark blue

[] white
[] turquoise
[] silver
[] purple
[] brown
[] orange
[] grey
[] maroon
[] gold
[]deep purple

Some things you've done or have attempted to do:
[] ice skating
[x] hiking
[] kayaking
[] rafting
[] water skiing
[x] camping

[] horseback riding
[] snowboarding
[] skiing
[] skateboarding
[] cheerleading
[] lacrosse
[x] street hockey
[x] ice hockey

[x] gymnastics
[] martial arts
[] bmx
[] baton twirling
[x] surfing and skim/wake boarding

you CAN'T stand listening to?
[] pop
[x] country

[] christian
[] classical
[] techno
[] opera
[x] reggae
[x] emo

[x] 80's
[] disco
[] hip hop
[] rap
[x] screamo
[x] metal

[x] oldies...though there are some good oldies

The pets you have/had?
just a 3 birds once but not anymore... I don't like pets :P

your confessions:
[] im afraid of quietness
[x] I am really ticklish..realy really A LOT!
[]I'm afraid of the dark
[]I've collected comic books
[] I shut others out when I'm sad
[] I open up to others easily
[] I read the blue/green eyes
[] I don't kill bugs
[] I bake well
[] I have worn pajamas to class
[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS...just my name looks nice (SeNdY)
[x] I love to laugh
[] I drink alcohol on a regular basis
[] I can't swallow pills
[] I bite my nails
[x] I play computer games
[x] Gotten lost in the city...yeah, once in Bangkok with Sarah and
[x] Gone out in public in your pajamas...I have cute pajamas though ;-)
[] Been skydiving
[] Been bungee jumping...was tempted to but NO WAY!!!!
[] Been skinny dipping
[x] Bitten someone...I think when I was a kid... ;-P
[] Dressed up like a guy/girl
[] Egged a house/car
[] Crashed into a car
[] Been fired fakely!

Have you ever...
[] stolen a sign
[] danced in the rain
[x] Seen a shooting star
[] Proposed to anyone
[x] Gotten stitches
[] Eaten Sushi
[x] Ridden in a taxi
[x] Been on a boat
[x] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] Been on a Plane by yourself
[] had surgery
[] seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[] gotten a black eye
[] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[] watched an entire baseball game on TV

Do you like...
[] old movies
[x] music
[x] foreign foods
[] anime
[] Christmas time
[x] animals...though I don't like pets
[] coffee...NO THANKS!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Evaluation of my last 5 months...

I'm done with school for this year...and yeah, I'm actually happy for that. Why?!... 'cause that means one semester less hehe yeah, specially because I have lots of time to go in school.
Thank God everything went OK during these 5 months of school.... I met new people and old ones as well lol, and had a great time. Lots of ups and downs during the semester though, and I realize that I'm a crazy person that sometimes can be really annoying hehe...
Now, I have 7 weeks of Christmas break, cause school starts in February!!! YEYS!!! that's great! that's why I love the school calendar here in Montemorelos.... we get so much stress during class (and really a lot!), but then when the break comes, we get considerably long breaks :D
So..... after my last exam today (Math at 1:30 pm), I could say that I'm officially enjoying my Christmas break! Though I'm going to stay here... :( and so that means no traveling at all during this break... I guess I would have to enjoy my house and the 'nice' weather here.... so bloody cold!!!
...too many more things to be said... but my room is waiting for me to put it in 'order'. My last week was crazy and didn't have much time to take care of my room lol ;)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Problema de Fisica?!?!

Si el viento pasa por tu cabello brillante sobre el sol y la luz del paisaje ilumina tu hermoso rostro y una rosa pasa por tu mano suavemente... ¿Que cantidad, en grados centigrados, es la intensidad de la sensacion?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Thank You God ;)

hey people.... me again.
Thank God another week is gone! I'm really happy and thankful for all the many blessings we get from Him.
The past thursday (as every thursday of this semester) I went to the farm with my classmates. Everybody that passes through first year in Montemorelos University HAS to go to the farm one day (for about 2 or 3 hours) per week, and this during the whole semester.... so as a good girl I went there with the students of the engineering department. We had to collect the little green tomatoes that we planted at the begining of the semester, and I tell you... that was a hard thing to do, cause those little thigs are on the ground, so I had to kneel to get them.... and doing that for 3 hours! maaaaan..... you die... specially if it's in the afternoon when it's so bloody hot.
Anyway...I'm not writing to complain.
While working there I was thinking of God's power and love. How from a simple little seed we get big things like trees and fruits. Sometimes we don't even thank God about those things. We just take them for granted. I thank God that He made me stop for a momment and put me to realize about what he has created and made me think how great He is.
Sometimes God uses things that we hate or dislike (like sometimes having to go to the farm) to give us a lesson of love and care.
Stop for a momment and think about the great things God has done for you... or just to say THANK YOU GOD for giving me life.

Hope you all have a greatt Sabbath and God bless you!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

5 Doulo-Camporee ;-)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 I'm again...
The think was that I delited the other blog. Don't ask me why, cause I don't even know the reason. Anyway, hope I can keep on posting stuff on this blog heheh

Actually I have some pics from a pathfinder camporee that we had last weekend (for those who don't know, I'm a conselour). Will post them later.

Have a Great Time
God bless