
Friday, November 10, 2006

Thank You God ;)

hey people.... me again.
Thank God another week is gone! I'm really happy and thankful for all the many blessings we get from Him.
The past thursday (as every thursday of this semester) I went to the farm with my classmates. Everybody that passes through first year in Montemorelos University HAS to go to the farm one day (for about 2 or 3 hours) per week, and this during the whole semester.... so as a good girl I went there with the students of the engineering department. We had to collect the little green tomatoes that we planted at the begining of the semester, and I tell you... that was a hard thing to do, cause those little thigs are on the ground, so I had to kneel to get them.... and doing that for 3 hours! maaaaan..... you die... specially if it's in the afternoon when it's so bloody hot.
Anyway...I'm not writing to complain.
While working there I was thinking of God's power and love. How from a simple little seed we get big things like trees and fruits. Sometimes we don't even thank God about those things. We just take them for granted. I thank God that He made me stop for a momment and put me to realize about what he has created and made me think how great He is.
Sometimes God uses things that we hate or dislike (like sometimes having to go to the farm) to give us a lesson of love and care.
Stop for a momment and think about the great things God has done for you... or just to say THANK YOU GOD for giving me life.

Hope you all have a greatt Sabbath and God bless you!

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