
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And it all continues...

This year (2013) started with a white Canadian winter, full of hopes, dreams, expectations and plans. Although I was away from my loved ones, I felt their love and care all the way there. The year passed and many things happened: apparent failures and also triumphs, lots of love and heartbreaks, but most of all many changes.

I had to leave Canada and return to Mexico. I applied for different scholarships and had some job interviews, but things were not working out (or so I thought). After a long search –and feeling a bit frustrated already— I came across an M.A. program in Guadalajara that was just what I had been looking for. It was there all the time and I hadn’t seen it. By August I was ready to start a Master’s that had been a dream to me until that moment: Translation and Interpretation.

The second half of the year was very difficult. Although I was very content with my academic life, it is not only about studying and working, and things were getting tougher on some other areas of my life. I was on the top of my rollercoaster, but little I knew what was next: what the end of the year had to offer. Then it happened, almost as a free fall and it was hard! But as I’ve always known, we won’t go through all our free falls alone: I knew my family was going to be there to catch me and God to support me.

I may have more free falls this year and the following years (that’s what life is all about), but I know that it is all part of my character building and though it is difficult, there’s always something to learn. So facing another hill in the rollercoaster of my life, I am ready to climb!

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