
Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to succeede in your studies

This is a post written by one of my students from English Composition I during the summer at Universidad de Navojoa. I had to do lots of editing, though.

The three steps that people should follow to succeed in their studies are organization, punctuality and communion with God. Organization should start with writing the errands and writing down what has been achieved. If you do it at night before you fall asleep, you can set what time you will wake up and what needs to be done the next day. There is a sayings that goes something like this, "he who knows not where he goes, already arrived." Second is the punctuality (to be on time for your classes, to get to the dinning hall or church, etc.). Punctuality is needed to perform small everyday tasks that in the end make a whole. And most important of all is communion with God through worship, Bible study and meditation. Ellen G. White says that fellowship with God must be first in our day, it should be our first work. If we follow these easy steps, sure we will succeed in our studies this summer.

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