
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

People will always talk

I was told that some people at the church got mad and complained that the orchestra did not play last Sabbath at church. They do not know the reason and they do not want to listen to any explanation. They just want to criticize and complain.
The reason why the orchestra did not play is because of our busy weekend. We were invited to play at another church Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening. Therefore we thought it was nice for the kids to have the morning to rest and enjoy church without playing. After all, they were going to play three evenings in a row and had so far performed well that they deserved the morning off.
It is sad that some people just want to criticize. However, we should not let all those things and people affect us and make us walk away from Jesus. We should focus on what we are to do and do it our best. People will always talk and complain, but we must be careful to please God and serve Him with the best we have.
Let people talk! As long as things are OK with God ;-)

So, in a happier mood, here are some pictures of the orchestra from last weekend!
Cruz de Rebouças church orchestra

Jardin Paulista church

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