
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chronicles of a winter in Canada - part 2

Continuing with my winter chronicles...
*click here for part 1
same place, summer and winter
In general, trying to cope with the winter hasn't been that bad. In fact, I find it better when it snows, or the few days after when there's still snow here and there. Not that it's starting to melt, it's not pretty anymore! Plus, it's still cold, but since you don't see lots of snow out there, what's the point of being cold?! I prefer it when it's all humid and snowing. At least I feel it's worth it wearing that big coat and those huge (but warm!) snow boots.
After one of the many snowfalls we had this winter.
Do you see the bust sign and the red lines? 

Well, that's where people usually walk to get in the bus.
The blue lines are for the sidewalk.

People had already told me that February was the worst month of the Canadian winter. In my opinion, in terms of temperature, January was way worse than February.
And February still looks white!

Then March started. Somehow, my mind started to think of spring, but at the same time I know that we still have a few more months of cold days. The snow is starting to melt (though I saw the news and there's more snow coming up tomorrow!), but that does not mean warmer days, yet.
Montreal, March 1st
In the meantime, there's pretty much no more snow in Toronto!!!!
Toronto, March 10th

What I've always liked about winters in the States, and now in Canada, is that though it is very extremely cold outside, once you're in the bus, metro or any building, that's it, you are not cold anymore. And you can find very warm winter clothes and boots.

So, in general, I don't think it has been a bad experience. Though I do want the winter to end already lol. The thing is that it's just too long. Yes, the snow is beautiful, but the temperatures are just not nice at all!

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