
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Liking fruits by countries

Every time I go to a new place, I stop disliking a new fruit. It is not that I love them all now, but at least I can eat them!
*Read GO as "live in place for a month or more with other-than-holiday purposes."

Tennessee > bananas
I worked in Tennessee for almost two months, and the family I lived with didn't eat lots of healthy foods. So I suggested them to buy some fruits, and guess what they brought home next day? Bananas!!! The problem was that I found bananas quite disgusting back then. But, I was really craving for fruit so I started eating bananas. The result? Now I can eat them without feeling like throwing up right after :)

Brazil's Northeast > coconut water
I don't think there's much to be explained here, since in the Northeast of Brazil, well... there's just LOTS of coconuts!! 
So when I was living there, people would offer me coconut water all the time, and I didn't want to be impolite so I would always drink it. But, being a super humid and hot place, I couldn't help but end up loving cold coconut water!

Sao Paulo > Kiwi
And here I need to explain that I didn't hate Kiwi, but I just didn't love it either. However, after almost a month of studying in Sao Paulo state, with lots of kiwi in the cafe, I ended up eating 3 or 4 per day!
My mouth just watered now! lol

Quebec > apples
Now I'm in Montreal, eating lots of apples, which were not exactly my favourite. But here, I find them juicier!

I can't find any real reason why I didn't like these fruits. I simply hadn't learned to enjoy their deliciousness. Which one is next? And where?

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