
Monday, October 29, 2012

Curly hair experiment

So I am starting an experiment with my curly hair. I am sick of it right now. It's not that curly anymore, it's getting unhealthy and I sooooo want my curls back. 
I saw this blog post and I decided to do the same. It's a 6 week experiment. I don't have the famous curly hair book, but I'll give it a try by following the  suggestions from the blog. I don't have (yet) the proper conditioner (without curly-hair-killing ingredients), but I will start anyway.

I won't explain how the method works, it has been greatly explained here.

My aim is Sofia Milos' curls! They are SO PRETTY! And to think that my hair once looked like that. Oh, Brazilian water did amazing things with my curls, but they are now all gone :(

Sofia Milos

My hair does not look like that AT ALL right now. This is how it looks before the 6 weeks.

I'll trim my hair and that's the beginning of the experiment. I hope it works out :)

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