
Monday, October 31, 2011

5 years old

My blog is 5 years old!

I started this blog when I was a freshman in Montemorelos. The title was Back to Normal, because it was during my frustration months in MM after Thailand. For three years, the title remained the same. In the summer of 2009 I changed it to My Adventures because I had a great summer! and was heading back to Thailand (Yeys!). Enough reasons to be more positive. Then in October 2010 I changed the title again to Brazil Mission and More... 

Back in October 2006, little I knew I was going to be in Thailand again in 2009, and then in Brazil in 2010. Looking at previous posts makes me want to say thank you LORD over and over again. His blessings in my life have been great! as well as the challenges and teachings from Him.

What's next? I do not know, but of what I am sure is that life is an adventure and it is greater if we live it with Christ!

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