
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Missão Brasil – The first month

In Salvador, Bahia, on my way to Recife
The adventure began 2 months ago, in September 16th when I landed in Recife International Airport. *Well, it actually started in Mexico, by collecting EFL books a lot of orchestral scores*

I was welcomed to the 4th-largest Metropolitan area in Brazilian (according to Wikipedia), but not as crowded, polluted and developed as Sao Paulo. It is colonial, historical and nordestina (that would be like a southern city for the USA and Mexico), but most important, it is a coastal city :)
Boa Viagem beach, Recife
I work as a volunteer in two different places. On weekdays I live and work at the Northeast Brazilian Union Mission (UNeB) headquarters. I teach English to pastors, staff and PKs. I like my classes very much, though they are very unstable and varied.
UNeB headquarters

UNeB staff members

My second job is conducting an orchestra and giving music lessons on weekends in a church in Cruz de Rebouças, a small community 25 kms away from Recife. That church has a great music ministry: a choir, two singing groups, and an orchestra of around 20 people. Sometimes the orchestra is bigger, but most of the times it is smaller (please pray for us, as we face challenges every week).

My packed weekends are like this: on Friday evenings we have orchestra practice, on Saturday mornings we practice before church service and then play for the Divine Service (hymns and offertory), and then in the afternoons we practice with the Conjunto Joven and with the choir, all that before AY. On Sundays I teach music (violin, viola, flute and clarinet –I know what you are thinking!!! Sendy teaching clarinet/flute?!?! It’s been all by God, not me!!).
Cruz de Rebouças

Cruz de Rebouças church

Orchestra @ Cruz de Rebouças church

Playing for a Publishing Ministries Annual Meeting

Thank God life is not only about working :) and though I am the only SM in this place, which means I do not have a travel partner or things like that, God has given me the chance to visit some nice places with some families from the Union.

I have been here for 2 months, and I have got more holidays than I could probably get in a whole semester in any other place. Brazil has a big amount of holidays and of that I am grateful! :) And living in the litoral nordeste brasileiro mans that the best beaches of the country are just within a few hours driving. What make these beaches so beautiful is the clear and warm water pools naturally formed by coral reefs during low tide. There are a few things that Brazil has changed in me, and one of those is that now I like the beach. I do not mind the sand anymore, nor the salty water either!

Boa Viagem beach, 15 mins walking from where I live

Praia dos Carneiros

Maragogi, Alagoas (another state, 3 hrs driving south of Pernambuco)


Snorkeling @ Porto de Galinhas, the best Brazilian beach according to a well-known Brazilian magazine

Food is another great thing that I have been enjoying here :) It basically includes arroz e feijão (rice and beans) all the time, but it is still great! But the best part is the wide variety of fruits (which means delicious juice!). Oh, and now I drink coconut water, and I eat papaya (fruits I used to say I did not like).
*Just like what Memphis helped me like banana, Brazil is doing it with coconut. Who says we cannot learn to like something? lol *

Pão de Queijo... I loved it even before I got to Brazil.

Maracujá = Passion fruit :) Love it! esp. the juice!

Pinha = Sugar-apple


Marlise said...

Hey Sendy! I didn't know you were in Brazil! And all the stuff you're doing there, with both English and music - wonderful! (we both have a lot in common! LOL). Tell me more! How long are you planning to stay there? I love Brazil... at least for holidays, it's a great place to go!

Sendy Monarrez said...

Yes we do!!! that inspires me :) Though I still got a lot more tings to learn!

I'll be here for almost a year. I got my return ticket for August 2011, but as the time passes by I know I won't want to leave this place! lol

Anonymous said...

Sendy!! =) Qué gusto me da leerte =) Oyee y estás de misionera? o en calidad de empleada o cómo es el asunto? Genial con lo de las clases de Inglés a los pastores y la orquesta. Me da gusto también que estés disfrutando y "embracing" el país y la cultura. Dios te bendiga. Estaré orando por ti. Un abrazo. Ñaña

Sendy Monarrez said...

Dania! muchas gracias! :) que honor que leas mis posts :)
Estoy de misionera... el plan es estar un año por aca asi que hay que aprovechar al maximo y aprender de todo y trabajar duro porque el tiempo es poco.
Un abrazo!