
Thursday, April 30, 2009


I found my hideout when boredom attacks during this 'InlfuenzaBreak' ► My room! and all I need is:
- My confi bed
- My huge laptop (Dell Inspiron 9400 15'')
- Wireless connection (very important! Needless to say facebook and MSN lol)
- My cellphone (just in case... but I haven't used it that much actually)
- Movies
- My homework (yes, I still have to do homework).

Monday, April 27, 2009

a little prayer please

Please pray for Mexico!! things are getting quiet complicated here... the Secretary of Health has announced that classes are canceled until the 6th of May because of the swine flu.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Time flies!

April is almost gone and then it comes May along with final projects, final exams, and at the end of the month my bro and my mom’s graduation (Vico finishes his Bachelor’s Degree and my mom her PhD). Then it comes the summer with intensive courses and lots of preparation ;) I think I will teach one or two English classes at the language school or take some intensive courses. After summer… OMG! Sara’s is going to be here!!! (hope I get to see her in August). Then it comes my time to go abroad (if I would have written this a week ago, it would have been a completely different story which included Thailand, but God has amazing ways of changing plans).
*I will talk about this later, when everything is clear enough to say it out loud. CAN'T WAIT!!!

Ok… getting back to the fact that we are still not in summer break and that school hasn’t finished yet. We had Moody Awards at the beginning of April (I blogged about this earlier) and that was basically the last activity of the Student Council. I feel relieved but at the same time I kind of miss all the meetings we had and all the stress hehe.
Almost all the members of the Student Council.

On my "spring break" (more like a long weekend) I went to a Master Guide Camporee. I had lots of fun and learned quiet a lot because this time I was part of the staff.

I started teaching English at the High School and it’s been a learning experience. I don’t have a big classroom (started with 10 students but 2 of them were expelled 2 weeks ago), and having a small classroom helps a lot when it comes to discipline. There are still other things to take in consideration, like the fact that I’m supposed to be teaching an “advance” class but most of my students can’t even understand when I give them instructions in English (however, I won’t lower the school work, which is not that much anyway).
Teaching there gives me more reasons why I want to work in a language school and not in a secondary or high school. It’s not that I don’t like it, but I do enjoy a lot more teaching at the language school. However, it looks like I will take a break from teaching English for a little while and do something I did not expect but which I think I will enjoy and will be a completely different but great experience.
My English students at the language school.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bach's Brandenburg Concert No. 3

We are going to play Bach's Brandenburg Concert No. 3 and I love it!! This will be the second time I play it, so I think it's going to be easier hehe. The first time I played it was long time ago, in my first year at the uni orchestra (I think I was in high school... not sure) and I remembered I had a hard time with that concert, but it was worth it.

I was falling asleep at the orchestra practice, and when we started practicing the Brandenburg Concert my sleepiness went away hehe.

*I just hope we play it this semester and not the next one 'cause I won't be here next semester :(

Monday, April 06, 2009

My great but crazy weekend

Saturday ► I went with the uni orchestra to play in town. Had to wake up at 5 am in order to be ready at 6:30. The morning program was great, and in the afternoon we had a concert. I always enjoy the orchestra concerts, and sometimes I wish I could just sit with the rest of the people listening and enjoying every single song hehe.

Orchestra @ Cintermex
Playing my fav song "Enviame a mi" (send me).
The song is based on Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

Orchestra @ Cintermex

Sunday ► It started with summer time and wakinig up rather late. Then I went to a friend's wedding which I knew about only an hour before it happened =S
Sunday evening, we had the "Moody Awards" at the uni, organized by the Student Council (am part of it), so before the event we were running up and down getting everything ready. During the event, I didn't actually enjoy it that much because I had to make sure all the participants were ready to go up on stage. After the event, well... I just didn't bother to help (shame on me) because I was really tired!!!

Cargando mesas y sillas para los Moody
Before the event (in the afternoon) carrying chairs and tables.
I was actually the driver, Muahaha

FedEst 2008-2009
Student Council 2008-2009

Moody Awards 2009
With some friends after the event.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Playing typmanies

Yeys!! Got a chance to play tympanies last Sabbath at church! ;) It was pretty cool, however I rather play tympanies with the Orchestra or the Brass Ensemble. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the music and the service last Sabbath. 
It was the end of the Week of Prayer, and as it was expected, the music was great! and the sermons went straight to those wounds that I didn't want to touch for a long time. 
*I need to do something about it... but am working on that.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

I kinda got the gerbear hehe.
Not that someone gave it to me... more like I went to a friend's bridal shower and got it there muahaha.