
Saturday, March 03, 2007

hola hola!!! me again hehe

It's been a while huh... but no, I haven't forgoten about this blog ok

well... what has happened... hehe...basically my life now is school... Oh and yeah... I got a new job. For those who don't know, right now I'm working at the Online department. I do some designing thingy... what i basically do is this: I get simple text (boring) and information that the teacher wants to upload on the website for the students, and I do the designing part, so it looks interesting and better lol... I really like it! And I also get to try Macromedia! (Fireworks and Dreamweaver) and I like it!!

what else what else.... oh yeah... I've been exercising for almost a month now... and you know what... it feels so good!!! Of course at the end of the day I'm just totally tired but I still like it. Hope I can keep exercising the whole semester and so it becomes like a habit.... will tell you what's the end of this story lol

ok... for now that's it...gotta go... bed time!


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