
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

dreams, visions or plans?

Dania wrote this as a comment on Aaron's blog... and I just love it. It shows that even if we try our best to succeed in life, the only way we can do it is if we let God lead us.

I have a dream. -Martin Luther King
I have a vision. -Ellen G. White
I have a plan. -God

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Uncomfortable situations

Yesterday I read Julie's post and it kinda made me think on what would I do on certain situations that could make me feel a lil unconfortable. Today I was in one of those 'uncomfortable situations'. What do you do when you are in an exam (as a student) and you notice that basically all your classmates are asking for questions or giving the answers to the rest of the class and the teacher does not seem to notice that at all? I hate when that happens! but oh well, I guess am not going to be the kind of student who tells the teacher that they are giving the answers.... so up to them! In the end, we all are going to get our 'rewards' if we do right, and our 'punishment' if we do wrong.
However, I still can't stand it!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

a new version of the story

After our 10 days of Influenza Break, we are now 'back to school'. It still feels quiet awkward having to wear disposable face masks in classes and having to wash our hands with hand sanitizer almost every hour or before entering a building! But oh well, those are the conditions they gave us in order to get back to our regular activities and classes.

And we even have to wear a bracelet (see the pic of my hand lol) until Monday. Every student at the uni got one after the 10 days of the already mentioned 'break'. We had to go for an 'anti influenza test'(basically questions of where did you go on those 10 days, what did you do, etc.) and since they saw that I was clean lol I got the bracelet. We even started making fun of it as if we were inmates in a prision (because of the numbers).... mine is116848.

Anyway, I have 2 more weeks of school and then my summer starts! I'm kinda sad and disapointed because I'm going to stay here (AGAIN! :@) for the whole summer. I mean... it was quiet expected that I was going to stay, but I still had some hope that I could go somewhere... but oh well, that's my life I guess hehehe. But as I was saying the other day, it's one summer less in this place muahaha.

Oh, and here's a pic I just got from a friend hehe
I love this new version of the story > The 3 little pigs.
*enjoy it ;)