
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Heading to my sewing classes... pictures and videos will be up tomorrow (I hope LOL).

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I didn't tell you that you looked nice.
I wanted to invite you to eat at my place but I couldn't find the way to tell you.
I wanted to chat with you for a while but I was shy (coulnd't find an excuse to interrupt).
You looked for me and we had a good chat.

It was a great day after all (thanks to you).

Tomorrow... I might not be able to see you. 
Will I stop smiling if I don't see you?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Love can turn the world

We're as different as night and day
We're the same in different ways
And it's true, just look at me and you

If coal can turn to diamonds
And sand can turn to pearls
If a worm can turn into a butterfly
Then love can turn the world

*I love this song by the Gaither Vocal Band. It's one of my favorite songs! Hope you like it too ;)
The only part I don't like is where it says that we can be whatever we want to be and that the power is in us. And where do we leave God? He's the One who will help us change and be whatever He wants us to be.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Apple pie: my first attempt LOL

My mom was cooking something for lunch today and she needed to use the oven (we hardly use it hehe), so I told her that I wanted to make an apple pie. Then I asked my bro to google up a recipe and print it for me... luckily I had everything needed and so I started. It ended up being a lil harder to make than I thought, but it's all worth it I think hehehe, cause it looks yummy!!!
I didn't take pics of the making-the-apple-pie moment, but once I turned of the oven, I took the first 2 pics.

Cannot wait to eat it all!!!! hehehe... ok ok I'll share! :P

Not aesthetic at all hehehe... but yummy for sure!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Today was a brighter day ;) and I like these kind of days hehe

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sewing classes

Today I started sewing classes. As part of the uni curriculum (don't ask me why) we need to take a class for a year (once a week). Girls can choose sweing classes, somethinig with haircuting or whatever that is hehe, or handicrafts; and guys can choose mechanics, plumbing and dunno what else hehe. 
Today we were supposed to make a baby skirt, but since we are like soooo slow (don't laugh, we are learning!) most of us only finish like half of it.
I'm gonna try to take my camera next Wednesday to take and upload some pics of my attempt of making a skirt LOL.